Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 22 20:20:13 EDT 2012 | dekhead
You don't say which 265; presumbly since you say "bulb" it is either MK1 or GS with shuttered camera. Both those machines have potentiometers to control light levels. MK1 is on machine frame inside drop down (stencil load) door, near serial tag. GS
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 16 05:53:36 EDT 2008 | iantech
do any of you guys have a copy of the setup and calibration for an old DEk 265 LT I want to calibrate the camera and squeege. thanks Ian
Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 04:52:25 EDT 2014 | hemant_pang23
Need help to resolve the problem in DEK265 paste printer The error messages are as per following details 1. When switch on the Machine we are getting error message like " Rising Table Error" -Position error. 2.While loading the Mint we are get
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 31 09:04:07 EST 2020 | dekhead
Light level adjustment; direct and oblique lighting, upward and downward. Applicability depends upon which lighting modules are fitted to the camera.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 15:11:13 EDT 2014 | dekhead
1. Rising Table Position error is, most commonly an issue of motor movement or sensor(s); Not receiving an expected input (sensor input / 'DONE' signal) in expected period of time. Try homing table in Diagnostics see if it moves and what movements ar
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 14:10:30 EDT 2016 | wkboyd
Our DEK printer camera dims as it moves during fiducial setup. Is there a fix for this?
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 25 16:45:38 EDT 2011 | cbroegger
Have seen this with bad/intermittent connections to the camera. Replacing the cable fixed this.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 14 03:51:04 EDT 2013 | JB
Ok, got it fixed now, found a broken wire on the back of the camera
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 17:13:54 EDT 2012 | burb1999
Run the calibration screen/procedure. I have had where the camera was hit etc.. and caused a misalligned print.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 09:11:12 EDT 2016 | dekhead
First thought would be wiring / connections to programmable lighting... but no issues after fiducial setup (while running production)? Seems unusual. DEKHEAD