Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 12:44:25 EDT 2013 | microaide
I don't recommend running AutoProgram in a Windows 95 virtual machine. It's really a Windows 3.1 application. The best way to run AutoProgram on a modern Windows computer is to install DosBox (a free open source DOS emulator that runs under Windows).
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 01 22:10:40 EDT 2015 | sarason
I have a copy of windows 3.11 running on DOSBox with Autoprogram running. I have never had much success in understanding this piece of software. I was hoping to discuss it with you offlist. regards sarason
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 13:43:30 EST 2015 | sdmideas
I too am running my Quad IIIc with a Dosbox version of auto program. I have been able to deal with the little quirks fairly well so far, enough that I have gotten by. What sort of questions do you have?
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 08 13:09:48 EDT 2013 | microaide
I have set Maximum Sequence Steps Per Program Segment to 450 and Maximum Placements Per Program Segment to 200. I have two Quad IVc machines, with a separate central controller in each one. One machine has a waffle feeder and will have vibratory feed
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 17 16:51:55 EDT 2013 | gosswald
I have not been on this site for a while but I was reading your post on Autoprgram. I have had my share of fun with this program getting a Quad 2C to run I purchased a while back. I had originally tried the DosBox approach but ran into all kinds of
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