Electronics Forum: ekra ekra e4 (Page 1 of 42)

ekra belt spare

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 01:11:34 EST 2005 | ajay

I am looking for purchase of EKRA E4 spare from nor EKRA agent. part detail - BELT 80222B-20 L=1835MM 5011000002 Any contact pl. confirm. ajay

ekra x5 smema question

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 19:25:20 EST 2005 | bobpan

got it.....thanks ekra users for the reply's.......hahahaha

ekra x5 smema question

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 07:31:48 EST 2005 | jax

I have X5's and we run standard SMEMA.

ekra belt spare

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 06:23:44 EST 2005 | stefwitt

Very likely this is a Brecoflex belt: http://www.brecoflex.com/

ekra x5 smema question

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 29 13:14:28 EST 2005 | bobpan

Anyone familiar with making smema work on the ekra x5. I believe is was manufactured with a siemens (not smema)setup. We found the cables to make the siemens work but i am not sure if i can short a couple of inputs on the cable to make the smema func

ekra x5 smema question

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 07:38:52 EST 2005 | bobpan

The machine has 2 25 pin cables that are supplied with it and you have to have adapters that plug into them for smema or siemens. The cables are x20 and x21 smema pigtails.

ekra e5 blades not dropping.

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 30 14:06:16 EDT 2014 | nicodj77

Hi Dustin, It happened to us once and it was something very simple. We did maintenance to the Squeegee head and the problem was that the Squeegee head cover was not put back in place correctly, so it was interfering with the Squeegee up/down movement

ekra e5 blades not dropping.

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 29 15:28:29 EDT 2014 | dustin

After getting the last issue I had fixed through here. I thought I would try to see if there is a solution for another issue. I have and ekra e5 screen printer and it has a problem with the blades not dropping when they should. If I set up single dir

ekra e5 blades not dropping.

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 04:39:08 EDT 2014 | oxygensmd

I had the same problem with my E5. At first check the cover and valves in the squeegees head. For me wasn't help, I didn't found any fault, jamm. In my machine there is two adjustable valve over the transport at output-vent. I tried to readjust the

ekra x5 stencil printer lost software made by isys or now asys

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 14:56:13 EDT 2016 | jsouth

We bought an ekra x5 at auction and the hard drive was pulled (due to the classified nature of the boards the company was producing)... i was told if i could find some one willing to make a clone of their hard drive (we are willing to supply the hard

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