Electronics Forum: electronic assembly (Page 1 of 602)

What does it mean by electronic assembly type?

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 07:37:54 EST 2008 | leemeyer

See the attached PDF

What does it mean by electronic assembly type?

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 08:16:40 EST 2008 | kevyeoh

Thanks! This is what i've been looking for... :)

What does it mean by electronic assembly type?

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 01:21:14 EST 2008 | kywl

Hi all, I am referring to IPC 1720, and i notice that there's electronic assembly type 1A, 1B, 1C, 1X, 2B, 2C... 2Z... can anyone please help explain what do those numbers mean? I have no clue at all... Thanks!

Turn-key of electronic cards

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 07:27:43 EST 2000 | Roni Haviv

We are starting to check the Turn-Key issue of electronic cards, includes Logistic & Purchasing, Assembly and electrical test. Does anyone have an experience and some data about "going to T.K." and it's advantages/disadvantages ?

Standarts/Guidelines for aviation electronic

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 18:11:36 EDT 2019 | slthomas

First question - is your company already compliant with and/or certified to AS9001? If not, is your company compliant with and/or certified to ISO 9001:2015? There are several overlapping requirements. If the answer is no to the previous and you pla

Leadfree assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 13:08:43 EDT 2007 | Bernie Zach


Leadfree assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 13:22:24 EDT 2007 | pr


Royonics assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 10 11:47:36 EST 2014 | arifa_anees

All sorts of useful info related to PCB and electronic prototypes. Visit http://www.rushpcb.com or http://www.rushpcb.co.uk

PCB assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 14:57:35 EST 2003 | russ

So, what is the technical issue?

PCB assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 15:08:16 EST 2003 | jasper

Technically this gentleman is trying to earn some money, I guess!

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