Electronics Forum: equipment (Page 1 of 557)

equipment purchase

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 12 18:05:06 EDT 2003 | ronald mupfeki

Our company wants to establish a department that deals only in rework and repair of populated through hole & smt pcbs from outside companies .However given the wide variety of suppliers & with all equipment looking like it has been branded can anyone

VCD equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 20 09:57:17 EST 2015 | Beto

Hello SMTnet universe, I'm looking for suggestions for a new VCD equipment. Any comment is welcome. Thanks.

VCD equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 20 16:07:49 EST 2015 | dyoungquist

What is VCD equipment and/or what does VCD stand for?

VCD equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 21 15:10:30 EST 2015 | ahernand75

VCD equipment is a single-process sequencing and insertion of axial components and jumper wires. Cheers!

PMJ equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 23:09:21 EDT 1999 | wil allen

Does anyone have any experience working with PMJ equipment for odd form or depaneling? We were looking into purchasing some equipment, and was curious about what current users thought of the machines. Wil

Decommissioned equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed May 31 17:58:47 EDT 2023 | compit

Location ?

Decommissioned equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 05:44:40 EDT 2023 | compit


equipment purchase

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 09:46:41 EDT 2003 | russ

I would try Air-Vac, They have excellent SMT and Through hole rework equipment. Don't know what "affordable" means in your case. Russ

equipment purchase

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 16 09:02:24 EDT 2003 | davem

I'd have to agree with Russ. Air Vac and SRT are probably 1 and 1A respectively in the rework equipment area. Both have good to excellent reputations, Good luck.

Soldering equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 00:26:47 EDT 2010 | sachu_70

Besides selecting an efficient soldering station, the geometry of the iron tip and its maintenance thereafter is extremely critical to equipment performance during the soldering process.

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equipment searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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