Electronics Forum: ersa and wave and soldering and profile (Page 1 of 5)

Solder beads and wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 07:46:51 EDT 2006 | ronalds

You are right, RSS profile is not the correct description. I am using a profile which heats up quickly to let the flux spread. Next linear up to activate the flux and prevent thermoshock. My experience is however, that small changes in this profile

Solder beads and wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 12:52:35 EDT 2006 | samir

..and he can put the flux in and keep it a secret too from his customer.. RSS profile on wave?? I never heard of a soak zone for wave preheat...you may be burning off your activator..hence, the beads. For wave preheat, your main goal is to ramp up

wave soldering and solder bridge

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 13:58:54 EST 2007 | ck_the_flip

I made my own wave measuring device using KIC2000 system. KIC2000 has automatic wave detection, so now I have a profiler for both reflow ovens and wave solder. The delmat carrier only cost $500. A guy, Samir, from this forum gave me the idea, actu

Solder beads and wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 03 05:39:05 EDT 2006 | ronalds

Hi, I am experience problems while testing wave soldering SMT components that are glued on the solderside (lead free). Between de leads of SOx type IC's and SOT's develop a great deal of solder beads. I have been using a RSS temp.profile while spr

SPC - Reflow and Wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 12:52:14 EDT 2002 | slthomas

We have found that using the SPC capability of the profiler's pc software helps us identify oven malfunctions sooner than we would normally find it. The ovens tend to compensate for dieing or dead blowers by cranking the heaters on for longer cycles

Selective soldering pallets and solder balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 10 14:10:38 EST 2002 | Randy Villeneuve

Steve, I wave solder most if not all our boards with selective wave pallets. I did not catch if the solder balls were on top of the board or on the bottom but that will make a difference on what to do to get rid of them. Pallets are good and bad. On

Wave and Reflow Profiler

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 15:44:49 EST 2008 | ck_the_flip

Yup! All the major players out there - KIC, Datapaq, and ECD - are all capable of profiling both reflow and wave solder. check them out. www.kicthermal.com www.ecd.com www.datapaq.com

Wave and Reflow Profiler

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 16:19:26 EST 2008 | edatasys

Check out http://www.solderstar.co.uk/wavePro.html This tool measures all key wave solder information with a single pass. Wave/PCB contact, immersion depths, etc. Also has a reflow pack to allow use on reflow, 9 channels with predictive software. B

SPC and Wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 14 11:04:53 EDT 2005 | dougs

yes SPC can be used on a wave solder machine, you should use a c-chart to monitor the amount of defects per board or group of boards, this will let you know if your process is stable, as you improve your process you should re-calculate your UCL, hope

Wave flux and profiling

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 04:43:36 EST 2006 | greg york

Any decent flux would volatise off with the heat of the wave unless absorbed into the solder mask. Test this by trying to clean in alcohol or common solvent aerosol, if it does not clean then it is probably Mineral Salts from solder mask fillers. Ano

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