Electronics Forum | Tue May 01 13:39:59 EDT 2001 | kaoni
Thanks Cal Excellent tips. I will add these to the cadre of engineering management and marketing team and schemas as they come together.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 10:52:29 EDT 2012 | kahrpr
the txt will go into excel just use the import in excel tab/space delimited. then save under excel.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 17:16:17 EDT 2013 | saied
Hello, We would like to order this spare-part blower motor electrovert omni Excel for Speedline Technologies Electrovert, type: Omni Excel 7 Serial: 476219 Date: 4/04 and we would be thankful if you provide us the Service manul for your prod
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 10:22:02 EDT 2012 | dontfeedphils
Looking for any input from those who may have used MPM's AP Excel model. How does it compare to printers you've used before? I've used Dek 256, and 03i machines as well as a couple of Accuflex models in the past, but never the Excel model. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 16:25:06 EDT 2021 | dontfeedphils
Anybody have a tool for expanding ranges in Excel? (Example, for converting reference designators listed in a single cell as R1-R100 to R1 R2 R3 R4... etc). I used to use a tool named refinate, but it's no longer supported by the developers and it
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 07:13:23 EDT 2003 | davef
You can find lots of Excel add-on macro packages by searching the net with Google. Consider Q1 Macro, SPC IV Excel, and macros from BaRaN Systems.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 01:33:00 EDT 2009 | hurr
Hi Jack, we have in our comapany My15 and MY9. Both machines we programming almost daily only in excell. First manually, second with excell macro. Both alternative are almost camparable. It´s depending on amount of SMD parts and skills. Radek
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 11 12:23:28 EST 2011 | upguy
Ed: Our Mydata TP9-UFPs are down when we are using them to write programs. That Excel macro from Mydata would be a godsend. We would be very interested in getting and using the macro. Please contact me. Thanks. John