Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 05:17:55 EST 2006 | SAMSUNG user
We have CP60 in the last 2 years, and CP63 1 year. You should check your local C/S about spare part stock, service support, and training for your employees. My conclusion about Samsung Techwin MC's is: cheap, and working well. But dont except too muc
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 25 16:36:07 EDT 2009 | peaksamsung
Hello, I am currently running a Samsung CP-60 and CP-45 SMT machines and I am looking for software for offline programing. I need software that will import cad and Bom data as well as a having it's own part library. Any suggestions would be greatly a
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 30 15:28:48 EST 2004 | BobT
Larry, We are a Electronics Contract Mfgr and recently installed a new production line consisting of Samsung CP60 and CP45 SMT equipment. Both pieces of equipment have worked out excellent for our high mix / low volume production. Samsung equip has
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 15:19:12 EDT 2014 | superlen
Sarason, I think the OP is wanting this list after the Samsung machine or their EasyOLP program has optimized the feeder list for their particular machine. I think in the menu on the machine (at least on the CP45 series) there is a print feeder lis
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