Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 14:51:50 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr
Hey gang- was just wondering - how do I get them extra zero's added onto my paycheck? DaveF - can you reference the appropriate ASCII code for me? (I'll put a little something extra in your Halloween goodie bag if it works!!)
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 22 14:25:05 EDT 2002 | davef
Steve, Did you skip your Wheaties for breakfast today?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 22 20:33:44 EDT 2002 | davef
Brian You can't figure it out because yer still on yer medication and Steve is not.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 15:54:39 EDT 2002 | bdoyle
I wonder if its a browser thing. What brand and version of browser do you use?
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 08:24:02 EDT 2002 | bdoyle
That's really odd...
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 13:38:49 EDT 2002 | russ
Well I guess this would explain why since reading these posts that when I put a board into the oven it never comes out and there is a funny smell! It was difficult however to get the temp up to 2460 C for 200 seconds. I have never had this extra zer
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 22 18:29:30 EDT 2002 | bdoyle
man, I've gotta learn to read the whole thread before trying to figure out a problem. I literally stared at your post for a good 5 minutes.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 22 20:32:12 EDT 2002 | davef
� * Press "Num Lock"; Hold down "Alt", while typing 0111 =>o * Press "Num Lock"; Hold down "Alt", while typing 079 =>O See they're all different sizes. Neat, eh? ;-P
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 10:45:00 EDT 2002 | genny
Some of the posts lately seem to have little open rectangles where the punctuation marks would be. I'm just wondering whether that is what Steve was talking about. They can look a bit like zeros, albeit squared off.. It makes it hard to read.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 12:04:47 EDT 2002 | slthomas
Interesting...those all showed up as Dave would expect, and I'm surprised. Why don't Dave's get displayed right for me?