Electronics Forum: file (Page 1 of 189)

Mentor file

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 11:08:47 EDT 2007 | cman

I keep getting mentor files from my customers, they are supplied for us to extract the placement files from (ref des, x, y, theta) to date we struggle getting the data out of this file, does anyone know of a software that will strip the placement fil

file converter

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 13 05:09:25 EST 2014 | aflex

There are multiple online tools that help you in converting .paf files to multiple extension (from video/audio files to pdf files)

JUKI file

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 22 02:44:43 EDT 2008 | tetsuo_45

Hello, We currently use HLC for our JUKI machines and we wish to load and read the HLC file (".h6h")or a machine program in an other application. Do you know a mean or a tool for reading this kind of file? Thanks.

JUKI file

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 25 03:58:43 EDT 2008 | tetsuo_45

I will try this proceeding. Normally, if i can convert HLC file to text file, i will be able to use the informations in other application. Thank for your help.

file converter

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 07 08:28:08 EST 2014 | reuvenavr

Hello Friends Electronic card Designed AT VISULA output file Gencad or *.CAD Or *.Paf can you help Urgently looking file converter format for Fabmaster *.Fab or *.Faz thenks

JUKI file

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 17:02:18 EDT 2008 | jlawson

OK , the H6H file is a binary structured file and can be read if you write a program in VB etc to extract the info you need, would take some time to sort out where to get what in the file, juki would no help you here.... Assuming you need placement

Mentor file

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 19:10:35 EDT 2007 | darby

Contact Mentor and ask them - explain your situation and tell them you only want to extract centroid data and that you couldn't design a doorbell. They may help you for free. Also, send me a file and I'll see what I've got.

file converter

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 12 03:20:37 EST 2014 | alexeis

Hi, Can you say why you need to translate? If you need to display information technicians, we have a solution that supports a wide variety of CAD files including those specified. Feel free to read our product called RStation and the ARC solution bas

Mentor file

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 18:10:15 EDT 2007 | ratsalad

cman, Which placement machines do you use? What software do you use to program them? There are several solutions out there such as CAM CAD, Valor, CircuitCAM, whatever Unicam is called these days... I can't keep up with the acquisitions. None

Mentor file

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 18:52:14 EDT 2007 | ratsalad

cman, I wrote a macro for "TextPad" which is free to download for a fully functional evaluation (which never expires). The macro converted my sample Mentor neutral file to this format: ############################################# ###Component I

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