Electronics Forum: file error (Page 1 of 16)

Data file open error

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 00:14:45 EDT 2018 | leeg

We have a Dek Horizon and we have started getting a data file open error when trying to save files. This is resulting in us having to re-teach board fiducials etc in every time we switch back to a previous job. Any ideas?

Gerber file format requirement

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 14:47:49 EDT 2018 | tsvetan

RS274D contain just NC info and requires external aperture file, RS274X combine aperture and NC info together. You can download RS274X format specs and learn them, it's easy to make RS274X from RS274D + aperture file (basically you copy the aperture

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 19:02:15 EDT 2010 | jeffr

You must re-insall the software. Do you have the procedure and the disks? The yamaha manual quotes:- Ea12324 The repair detection of the file. The machine is unusually shut down. One or more files may be damaged. Run the upgrade installation of the

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 03:36:19 EDT 2010 | naveed

Hi all!i m using yv100xg line,with vois application version 1.5R2000,when the mechine starts,after loading all files and returning to origin,a mesg appears ,that iz"Ea12324:the repair detection of the file.the mchne is unusually finished and it has t

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 15:32:27 EDT 2010 | naveed

Yes!tahnkx I made a backup disc.the all data for production files,and also the data base library(vision files for component and fiducials) has been copied to the disc.we are in contact with yamaha consultant,they sent us the new manual which has the

DEK INFINITY printer file could not be opened.

Electronics Forum | Thu May 17 06:46:39 EDT 2018 | godless

After fresh install and loading only machinekey + stdeaf files it worked, thanks. But still there is camera problem which appeared from the beginning. I attached files where you can see error details. Software reinstallation not solved issue. Then ca

HELP! Need MCH file to CSM84V-III and CSM66-III

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 11:51:52 EDT 2010 | arek

Hi, I bought Philips CSM machines (CSM66-III and CSM84V-III). I need flopy disc with some files (MCH, VIS, FDR). I created MCH file but the machine send me an error message: BAD FORMAT DATA. Could anyone help me and send me correct files. Thanks

DEK INFINITY printer file could not be opened.

Electronics Forum | Tue May 15 04:15:36 EDT 2018 | godless

After reinstalling software, i get message when loading printer: "A printer file could not be opened, therefore the printer cannot be started. Please inster your calibration diskette and press confirm. or contact or contact DEK customer support. Pres

F4G CP4 Optimizer: Cycle time table file not found?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 13:22:24 EST 2010 | rodrigo

Hi All, I'm trying to use the F4G CP-4 optimizer. I cleared all the issues I was having except for this error I get at the end: Execute, 2030: Cycle Time table file not found I see a file in one of the folders named CP4_CYC.TBL but I'm not sure if

Quad QSV-1 error msg

Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 15:00:26 EDT 2012 | jorge_quijano

Hello guys, I have a error message in a QSV-1 machine, when it tuns on "File archive error occurred while reading header of table top:permanent table top", I have no experience with this machine, so no good so far, already escalated to service and wa

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