Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 10:57:35 EDT 2017 | fkn
We make pcb depaneling equipment and many of our customers do a combination of tab routed panels with pre-score in order to speed up the singulation process. If you like, I can send you a picture of an example. Regards Klaus Heimann FKN Systek Tel.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 11:29:02 EDT 2017 | fkn
FKN Systek makes Depanelizers that work on aluminum boards. Please call me at 508 376 2500 or send email to discuss. We usually get a customer sample just to make sure. We have been selling the K3000 and K4000 Depanelizers for over 10 years to custom
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 19:28:04 EDT 2001 | rmerk
We are currently using both CAB (Hektor) and FKN (N100)depanelizers. We have a customer that has round PCB's and the only depanelizers that I have found that will work is the FKN N200. Does anyone know of any other manufacturers or solutions for roun
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 07:02:24 EDT 2014 | cbeneat
we also use the FKN Systek K3000, we have 4 of these and two of the motorized K4000's both are easy to use and reliable. FKN also has a blade sharpening service.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 12:56:16 EDT 2021 | babe7362000
Does anyone have a manual for the FKN Systek N200? And also where I can get dies/blades for it? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 20:29:21 EDT 2021 | cbeneat
fkn@fknsystek.com,Werner Christ. They are located in Ma. He will be able to help you.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 08:41:53 EDT 2014 | mun4o
we have 2 maestro 3 and 2 FKN.I think Maestro 3 i s better.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 01:28:40 EDT 2022 | davef
Below are several suppliers. KingFei and FKN Systek sponsor SMTnet. KingFei SMT Tech [ https://smtnet.com/company/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_company&company_id=53598 ] FKN Systek Products [ https://smtnet.com/company/index.cfm?fuseaction=product_cat
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 29 12:21:08 EST 1999 | Mike McMonagle
If you go with tabs/mouse bites, both FKN and Cab make simple pneumatic shears for removing the tabs. For low to moderate volumes, they're very cost effective. MikeMcM
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 10:02:39 EST 2003 | bradlanger
Thanks for all the input on this thread. My company bought an FKN depanalizer and that solved our problem. I am also working with our design engineers on laying out the boards without the caps near the edges.
Depanelizer Equipment and Tools For Electronic Assembly. PCB Racks and Trays. Wire Crimp Press and Tooling.
115 Pleasant Street
Millis, USA
Phone: 508 376 2500