Electronics Forum: fkn (Page 1 of 3)

Has anyone done breakaway tabs with v-score on both sides instead of mouse-bites?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 10:57:35 EDT 2017 | fkn

We make pcb depaneling equipment and many of our customers do a combination of tab routed panels with pre-score in order to speed up the singulation process. If you like, I can send you a picture of an example. Regards Klaus Heimann FKN Systek Tel.

I need a pcb cutting machine for separating the aluminum board

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 11:29:02 EDT 2017 | fkn

FKN Systek makes Depanelizers that work on aluminum boards. Please call me at 508 376 2500 or send email to discuss. We usually get a customer sample just to make sure. We have been selling the K3000 and K4000 Depanelizers for over 10 years to custom

PCB Depanelizers

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 19:28:04 EDT 2001 | rmerk

We are currently using both CAB (Hektor) and FKN (N100)depanelizers. We have a customer that has round PCB's and the only depanelizers that I have found that will work is the FKN N200. Does anyone know of any other manufacturers or solutions for roun

Depanelling scoring groove PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 07:02:24 EDT 2014 | cbeneat

we also use the FKN Systek K3000, we have 4 of these and two of the motorized K4000's both are easy to use and reliable. FKN also has a blade sharpening service.

FKN Systek N200 parts and manual depanelizer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 12:56:16 EDT 2021 | babe7362000

Does anyone have a manual for the FKN Systek N200? And also where I can get dies/blades for it? Thanks

FKN Systek N200 parts and manual depanelizer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 20:29:21 EDT 2021 | cbeneat

fkn@fknsystek.com,Werner Christ. They are located in Ma. He will be able to help you.

Depanelling scoring groove PCBs

Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 08:41:53 EDT 2014 | mun4o

we have 2 maestro 3 and 2 FKN.I think Maestro 3 i s better.

SMT Process carrier storage

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 01:28:40 EDT 2022 | davef

Below are several suppliers. KingFei and FKN Systek sponsor SMTnet. KingFei SMT Tech [ https://smtnet.com/company/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_company&company_id=53598 ] FKN Systek Products [ https://smtnet.com/company/index.cfm?fuseaction=product_cat

Re: depaneling machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 29 12:21:08 EST 1999 | Mike McMonagle

If you go with tabs/mouse bites, both FKN and Cab make simple pneumatic shears for removing the tabs. For low to moderate volumes, they're very cost effective. MikeMcM

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 10:02:39 EST 2003 | bradlanger

Thanks for all the input on this thread. My company bought an FKN depanalizer and that solved our problem. I am also working with our design engineers on laying out the boards without the caps near the edges.

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fkn searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

FKN Systek
FKN Systek

Depanelizer Equipment and Tools For Electronic Assembly. PCB Racks and Trays. Wire Crimp Press and Tooling.


115 Pleasant Street
Millis, USA

Phone: 508 376 2500