Electronics Forum: flash programming (Page 1 of 2)

programming SMD flash memory and SMD flash memory in microcontrollers before PCB assembly

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 09:18:28 EST 2016 | whitewing

If you're using Microchip parts, Microchip can supply ready programmed (and marked) via Microchipdirect. Some distributors also offer programming services

programming SMD flash memory and SMD flash memory in microcontrollers before PCB assembly

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 05:33:05 EST 2016 | jvercamm

hi, I would like to know if SMD parts (soic, small qfp, large qfp and tsop parts) can be programmed before PCB assembly and, if true, which companies can do this. These parts are either embedded microcontrollers with flash memory, flash memory and

Looking for the s/w Drivers to run SMT1000 flash program

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 07 11:45:51 EST 2020 | Madel

Have Aqueous Technologies SMT1000 . Need help, looking for a copy of the drivers . I have the flash program . Appreciate any assistance with this. Thanks.


Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 25 11:30:56 EST 2009 | rajeshwara

PRODUCT : SET TOP BOXES PROBLEM : Flash Programmed IC ( EEPROM ) Data Corruption. Description : Flash IC Data get corrupted during testing or manufacturing. What is the possibility ? Plz Help.

Help, have Aqueous SMT1000, Needing Drivers & Program/Software

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 31 11:48:48 EST 2020 | ecogroup

Have Aqueous Technologies SMT1000 . Need help, looking for a copy of the drivers . I have the flash program . Any assistance would be much Appreciated ! Thanks, Madel

Lifted Lead

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 10:39:50 EDT 2004 | Marie

Suggest looking at the packaging,is it sufficient to prevent damage to the QFP?. What way are these components stored when received?.Are the reels stored in boxes or racks?.Storage in boxes may cause damage from stacking the reels on top of each oth

Is X-RAY can damaged Flash IC i.e. imbeded program ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 09:51:51 EST 2001 | MDion

Bonjour, Is there any study done about the effects of X-RAYs (INCLUDING Airports/Customs systems) on electronic assembly ?? We have had few problems with products recently where the programmed flash was not functionnal (corrupted data) when tested

Is X-RAY can damaged Flash IC i.e. imbeded program ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 11:59:54 EST 2001 | seand

Hello everyone, Is it possible to quantify what you consider "Low Level" vs. High Level x-ray exposure? Is anyone aware of what level of exposure the airlines typically use in security applications? Thanks, Sean

advice on selecting ATE/ICT

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 15:02:36 EDT 2007 | pjc

You do not always need test points designed on the board. Any ICT supplier will consult with you on that and after looking at your designs. Teradyne offers new and refurb'd systems for ICT, analog only or w/ Vectorless testing to ensure ICs have a co

Help Heller 1700W PLC red ERRor LED flashing

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 26 12:16:46 EDT 2014 | carlmbecker

We turned our Heller 1700W off and On a week later and it would not heat up. PC is communicating - TSX NANO PLC has ERRor LED flashing which means lost its program - can I get this or at least the operation (flow chart)of the PLC and either replace i

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