Electronics Forum: flexible machines (Page 1 of 39)

Flat flexible cable to PCB (RoHS assembly)

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 28 16:17:23 EST 2006 | joey_dragon

Good tidings, all. I am looking for a machine that will allow us to mount a flat flexible strip (such as TennRich's B.Type) to a row of pads on a PCB. I have not much knowledge about the process, I guess I expect to see a machine with some hot bar.

SMT machines advice

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 10:37:04 EST 2020 | spoiltforchoice

If you are looking at a single machine, you are after a true "flexplacer". There are a couple of options it will depend a bit on the spped you want and how many different parts you need too load at once. Best: Europlacer Iineo for pure flexibility o

SMT machines advice

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 14:29:40 EST 2020 | emeto

You should narrow it down more. Your list is easily achievable by most of the machines on the market. There are things like throughput, factory layout, traceability, number of operators to run the line, setup requirements, flexibility, product range

Re: depaneling machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 24 10:51:29 EST 1999 | Bob S

If you have decent volume with high mix or are a contract shop, the most flexible method is a software controlled router. Using pre routed boards with tabs is not a bad way to go but there is a price for the pre routing that may more than justify the

Re: Inspection machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 09:00:23 EST 1998 | Dave F

| I am interested in inspection machines working with comparation, the results that I need for inspections are missing parts, component offset, polarized components, etc. The machine can work in line or off line. | | Thanks for help. Sergio. | Serg

Low cost prototyping machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 12:19:29 EDT 2005 | ratsalad

I'm not a Mydata user, but I know some people who have used them for prototyping. They swear by them for flexibility. I was at Mydata over by Boston a few years ago, and they had a refurbed machine there for about $50,000. If I remember correctly,

Siemens D series machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 03 16:55:57 EDT 2007 | vickt

Amit, You are asking about limitations, but how did you narrow your equipment selection down to the D1 or D2 in the first place? These machines have many limitations versus other solutions. What are your main concerns for instance? Component range?

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 20:21:40 EST 2010 | steinerson

Hi Jeff I would recommend you to try unexpensive user friendly Juki Late Model KE760 series. you need a flexible machine that can handle components,fine pitch QFP. This machine is very unique. you can use even without an offline software optimizer,

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 08:19:57 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

Hmmm...The Juki machines are designed for high mix frequent change over. They are very flexible. I am not familiar with a JX100. We have KE2000 series machines. One of my buddies owns a small contract business. He has an older Quad. I believe it i

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 07:56:45 EDT 2009 | jeffreyj

Thanks for the reply, Sr.Tech. Sure, I'm considering all of the things you've mentioned. It certainly seems that service and spare parts are easy to obtain for the Quads, which is the main reason I am even considering the dinosaurs (that and they ca

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