Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 07:15:49 EDT 1999 | SC
I am currently sourcing equipment to mount CSP devices. I have looked at the GSM Flexjet & also the Siemens 80 F series. However these machines only look for ball presence not ball deformation. Panasonic are the only ones who have a 3-D camera capabl
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 15:46:07 EST 2015 | comatose
We did 0402s for years on a GSM. Is this a flexjet or a 4 spindle head? A flexjet is easy with 0402s. The four spindle nozzles are big, you run into issues with knocking already places parts and having to Z zone carefully (and beware repair cycles.)
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 19:38:12 EST 2021 | ttheis
Hi Deni, I just bought a machine with FJ9 heads- I have never had a flexjet, only regular flex heads. Are there any pointers you can share? What ended up being your problem? When you do a calibration, do you do the CPE also? I have been fortunate
Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 15:36:07 EDT 2009 | swag
We have Universal Genesis Lightning, Genesis In-Line 7, Advantis Flexjet + just bought 2 new Genesis platforms. Great machines. Good for high volumes or small, proto builds.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 15:23:38 EDT 2020 | ilavu
Why don't you try to manual trimming. If I remember, you have option to trim by camera or by head. This is only for FlexJet (7-Spindle)head.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 16:53:00 EDT 2023 | ttheis
We have a bunch of Flexjet 1220 nozzles with worn rubber tips. The rubber tip comes off and looks replaceable but I assume UIC or COT wants to sell you the whole nozzle. Has anyone ever replaced the nozzle tip or are they available?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 07:28:03 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| I am currently sourcing equipment to mount CSP devices. I have looked at the GSM Flexjet & also the Siemens 80 F series. However these machines only look for ball presence not ball deformation. Panasonic are the only ones who have a 3-D camera capa
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 19:22:55 EST 2021 | dilogic
Thanks, I have read (almost) everything I could find on UIC's site. The problem I had was that I never before tried to perform FJ calibration, so I did not know how it normally works. Anyway, I figured out what I did wrong and managed to calibrate t
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 20:21:07 EDT 2012 | eadthem
You might keep a eye on SMT auctions, Sometimes you can get a good deal. As long as you get the feeder for less than 100-200$ each at auction/ up to 500$ each for a dual lane, you can be assured that you can fix it to fully working if its broken
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 14 17:32:36 EDT 2023 | ttheis
Having an issue with changing nozzles on one of our FJ3 heads. We get errors on spindle 5 and 6 when bank-changing nozzles. Event code 31208, unable to find any info on this code. When we use the put nozzles away routine it does it no problem but has
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