Electronics Forum: flexjet 7 (Page 1 of 2)

GSM2 and FlexJet heads

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 16:05:27 EDT 2009 | dilogic

I would if someone can share his "real-life" experience with FlexJet (7-spindle) heads. We are currently running machines with Flex heads (4-spindle), which are very easy to maintain, but I suppose 7-spindle has more throughput. All comments are welc

GSM Placement Offset

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 15:23:38 EDT 2020 | ilavu

Why don't you try to manual trimming. If I remember, you have option to trim by camera or by head. This is only for FlexJet (7-Spindle)head.

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 08:04:41 EST 2021 | robl

Be worth running a trial of a sticky panel if you can before buying - your Flexjet gang picking 7 at the same time against a lighting head. If you're building panels of the same part or limited parts you may find it quicker.

GSM2 and FlexJet heads

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 11 21:19:51 EDT 2009 | fulldrawmike

we have both flexjet and flexhead, we also have the new inline 7 head on some genesis dual beams we just put into operation. If you have a choice in flexjet heads take the inline 7. The flexjet 09 head is very labor intensive, stay away from them, e

SMT placement machines. Where are we going ?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 15:36:07 EDT 2009 | swag

We have Universal Genesis Lightning, Genesis In-Line 7, Advantis Flexjet + just bought 2 new Genesis platforms. Great machines. Good for high volumes or small, proto builds.

3rd party support for universal machines?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 30 20:52:33 EDT 2023 | poly

I've got access to all the manuals. Alas my 7 spindle head (flexjet 3 on a gx11s) detects collisions when picking even when no nozzle is in the spindles and they aren't near anything. My other machine is working well.

help GSM2 Spindles error: All spindles safe sensor not seen for head

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 19 19:19:41 EDT 2014 | dave222

thank you for taking the time to look at this post. hopefully someone can help. I have a GSM2 Q block with a Flexjet 7 spindle head. a couple of days ago the machine encounter this issue while zeroing. the issue is with head 2 on beam 2. on the di

FLexJet pickup problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 19:39:58 EDT 2011 | jbaez1

Hi, have somebody out there experienced problems picking up passive components with flexjet head FJ7P?? Just 1 nozzle-spindle is failing, trying to pickup a resistor,cap or diode; I have already changed nozzle tip, nozzle adaptor including springs,va

GSM FlexJet z-safe sensor

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 19:15:36 EDT 2020 | dilogic

We have GSM2 with FlexJet heads (an older one). There are 7 sensor amplifiers (with LED indicators) for touchdown detection and one for z-safe detection which is of a different type (with numeric LED indicator). I can't find anywhere what the right n

UIC vs Fuji

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 19:13:21 EDT 2011 | eadthem

When you get in to a 30 spindle lightning head or the dual and single beam 7 spindle flexjets from UIC, there generally really solid machines. The only flakeyness we have is with a GC120 (4 beams in 1 box). and of that most of the issues are purely b

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