Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 18:35:18 EDT 1998 | phillip hunter
| we currently have a siplace line(80s/f) and are inhereting a fuji line from another site. I need an objective comparison between the two. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the fuji with regard to programming, operating and maintenance. any c
Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 12:18:59 EDT 2003 | vortex
First off is your CP4 0402 ready? Before we could begin placing 0402's we had to have a vision upgrade. Once you have that or are sure your machine can handle 0402 then you will have to get 8x2 feeders. There may be a way to rig an 8x4 feeder but i'm
Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 00:42:19 EDT 2005 | nicholas2005
Ok, I just need someone to give me some feed back on a few questions I have. If anyone could help me that would be great. Example: take a Fuji CP-4 feeder for instance! If I machine my own, place my own parts on it, and place my own company name, and
Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 07:07:39 EDT 2003 | qp1
Please your comments for placing 0402 on CP4? Which are the difficulties to expect and how to threat them? How to adapt the feeders for the smaller interdistance of the tape?? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 17:21:03 EDT 2004 | smt..
I work with Fuji equipment For over 10yrs�. Cp3, cp4.cp6.cp7, ip1, ip2, ip3, qp341, qp242, qp351. Also, work with MYDATA, SAMSUN, and QUAD AMISTAR�. Fuji is the best in my opinion.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 17:21:08 EDT 2004 | smt..
I work with Fuji equipment For over 10yrs�. Cp3, cp4.cp6.cp7, ip1, ip2, ip3, qp341, qp242, qp351. Also, work with MYDATA, SAMSUN, and QUAD AMISTAR�. Fuji is the best in my opinion.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 14:42:22 EST 1998 | Dave F
| I heard somewhere that SMEMA has joined IPC, and that the association has decided to boycott Nepcon from | year 2000. Can anyone tell me if this is true | Nick: SMEMA and IPC are talking about merging (EP&P, 11/98, p 18). Below is a news release
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 18 01:42:57 EST 1999 | sin
Do you have strong technical support team that have related experience SMT EQUIPMENT in your company? If you do, use machine would be alright. If you don't, you need to hire afew because even with brand new machine, you still have a problem either
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 15:38:28 EST 2003 | fujispares
Hi, CP3 will have trouble placing 0603 parts - I wouldn`t use a CP3 for these parts - A CP4 will be more suitable. A older CP4 feeder will fit and function on a CP3.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 16:33:08 EDT 2004 | davem
Fuji is the best, but there are other alternatives besides Quad. If you really want to look at Fuji, take a peek at their XP142E series. With "Vision processing on the fly" and a "Mini Turret Head" with 12 placement nozzles it should fit your needs n