Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 18 11:11:06 EST 1999 | Brent Merryman
I am working on a project for one of my classes. Currently our group is looking at the fuji Qp-242 surface mount machine. The problem that we are focusing on is how to minimize dowtime of this mahcine. When the Qp-242 runs out of parts all modules
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 23:01:10 EDT 1999 | wil allen
| Hi Brent, I have heard from a Fuji related person that this function will work with the QP-3. Not sure of the machine release date yet, but you may be able to check with your regional sales person.
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 03:50:34 EST 1999 | Steve
Hi Brent, Fuji has a solution to solve your problem. The solution Fuji has is called "Independent Function" and this function keeps working rest of module even though one module stops due to parts run out. But this function requires hardware modifica
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 03:51:04 EST 1999 | Steve
Hi Brent, Fuji has a solution to solve your problem. The solution Fuji has is called "Independent Function" and this function keeps working rest of module even though one module stops due to parts run out. But this function requires hardware modifica
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 04:11:54 EDT 1999 | ochoa chavez
fuji gp, cp642e, ip3 and other
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 22 20:42:11 EDT 2015 | slouis2014
What is the smallest dimension that a FUji GPX-HD machine can print
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 21 18:02:50 EST 2020 | slthomas
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 23:49:32 EST 1998 | Thomas Clift
I am currently in the process of rebuilding and maintaining a never-ending supply of tape-feeders for Fuji CPIII and IPII (Fuji and Hover-Davis). I have seen the videos and am not having all that much trouble, but I would like to compare notes with s
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 21 13:12:04 EST 2020 | oxygensmd
After 10 mind of searching on the internet... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://islandsmt.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Fuji-NXT-Setup-07.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiG-fv4o5XnAhX8xMQBHdRzCEAQFjABegQIBBAI&usg=AOvVaw1hnWqioLcmvS5V2wj15I