Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 21 15:39:40 EST 2020 | emeto
Too many scenarios and even more recipes for them. There is no exact cook book for what you are looking for. It is called engineering degree and people go to school for it. The remaining requirements includes to read all manuals and get training if p
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 21 13:12:04 EST 2020 | oxygensmd
After 10 mind of searching on the internet... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://islandsmt.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Fuji-NXT-Setup-07.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiG-fv4o5XnAhX8xMQBHdRzCEAQFjABegQIBBAI&usg=AOvVaw1hnWqioLcmvS5V2wj15I
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 12:21:53 EST 1998 | phillip hunter
| Thanks for your reply. | I am interested in knowing about maintenance schedules and levels. I'm wondering how to know if I must replace a part. What part? What type of lubrication (for Fuji). Etc. | My company is small in terms of number of lines
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 23:00:07 EST 1998 | David Lombard
| | Thanks for your reply. | | I am interested in knowing about maintenance schedules and levels. I'm wondering how to know if I must replace a part. What part? What type of lubrication (for Fuji). Etc. | | My company is small in terms of number of
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 07:49:19 EDT 2008 | grantp
Hi, I just saw the new NXT machines at globaltronics in Singapore, and mostly they are faster. However what was interesting is Fuji shows a prototype of the new XPF machine, but it was called XPF-W which handles really large PCB's and uses the sam
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 07 12:52:30 EDT 2000 | Doug
Which fuji machines do you have? The new manuals are pretty easy to follow, if you have them. SMD3 machines have the SMD3 Manual 7.1E and the BGA/Connector manuals available. Contact fuji training for more details. Otherwise, if you have certain ques
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 09:16:00 EDT 2000 | Robert
I just purchased an old Fuji FGL glue machine without manuals and would like to purchase a copy if anyone has them.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 14:47:06 EDT 2000 | csullivan
Believe it or not I do have a Fuji FGL1 manual. I went to Fuji America in IL to get the stuff out of the archives. I have a copy of everything they have on the machine. If it is a FGL1 I hope you got it for free. Parts are very, very, very hard t
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 15 08:15:49 EDT 2000 | csullivan
I am running a FGL1. Syringes can be bought from Fuji. One thing you should be aware of, the FGL1 needs the glue to be hand packed (from bulk) and spun in a centerfudge. The glue is hard to find bulk. Geez I thought we had the only FGL1. Email m
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 11:15:15 EDT 2000 | Graeme
I also have and run a FGL1 I checked the rack in our machine and there are nine slots numbered left to right slot 1 VM1110TA,slots 2,3,and 4 none slot 5 VM1520, slot 6 VM1510, slot 7 VM1530, slots 8 and 9 none.Have you tried Astro Technology ltd Tel