Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 01:29:07 EDT 2005 | matjen
We are using Fuji-Flexa software and we are not sure where to go in the software to check the proper data. If anyone has Fuji-Flexa software and could direct us in the right direction please let me know. Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 22:34:22 EDT 2021 | hgurusamy
Hi, wondering if anyone knows what is the difference between the Fuji Host Interface and the FujiFlexa User Host Interface. We are trying to purchase the Host Interface v6.28 in order to pull data from the NXT machine into our system but the Fuji re
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 10 08:43:32 EST 2019 | srecko
From FujiFlexa, ofcourse :-) Thanks Srecko
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 22:06:15 EST 2006 | kent_peterson
Same for fujiflexa or cam. Just make sure the one you get has new style shafts. I doubt you can get the old style and to switch takes doing all shafts.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 09:10:02 EST 2007 | ralphspm
What would be the best software packages available to produce assembly programs from basic gerber data?I'm using FUJI CP3 & IP1 M/C's with fujiflexa software.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 06:19:42 EST 2007 | kircchoffs
just add FIP2 in fujiflexa when you are adding machine at factory lines. if you are connected just receive the proper data from the machine and re-transmit the proper data.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 18:33:05 EDT 2021 | kojotssss
Hi, Maybe you mean NXT versions? (application versions for nxt modules, accessory etc..?)
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 11 01:54:47 EDT 2021 | sophyluo1985
Hi,Helena,We have helped you to check, this thing should be an encryption key (similar to a U disk) or a software. We asked the FUJI engineer
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 12:29:55 EDT 2022 | ludo
hello, I am looking for information on new versions of Director fujiflexa and Medit. currently for Medit I am in version 18,4,0,13 and for Director fuji flexa I am in version 6,23,0,2 Is there a newer software version?
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 05:18:55 EDT 2008 | ralphspm
Our Fuji IP2 has a problem reading fiducial marks.It finds the mark(is shown on console display) but after time gives out the error statement "image display time over".It gives out an error status code of "FFFC" on the console display.Cannot find any