Electronics Forum: gershenson (Page 1 of 1)

AOI Sony vs Orbitech

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 15:16:16 EDT 2009 | davef

BoardHouse: You mean that our 'Martin Gershenson' might be this guy? Martin Gershenson; Christopher Associates Inc.,3617 W. MacArthur Blvd.Santa Ana, CA 92704; 714–979-7500 martin.gershenson@christopherweb.com So, you're implying that unlike some

AOI Sony vs Orbitech

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 14:17:29 EDT 2009 | davef

Martin Gershenson: Since you are willing to comment that you felt the suppliers that 'karkanov' selected were 'wrong,' why aren't you willing to suggest several better choices of suppliers?

AOI Sony vs Orbitech

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 14 10:51:30 EDT 2009 | rway

If he is the same Martin Gershenson who works for Christopher, then I'de believe he's being sneaky. We demoed one of their units three years ago, along with Mirtech and YesTech. Of the three, they were the only ones who wouldn't let us experiment w


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