Electronics Forum: good and flux and for and reball (Page 1 of 1)

Tape and shunts are good ideas for WS *BUT*...

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 28 07:02:59 EDT 1998 | smd

Right now we are taping the goldfingers which is effective but also expensive. Also, some tape was leaving yellow marks on the goldfingers. We're trying the so-called goldfinger glove from Steven's Products. It's a very small company (probably one gu

Re: Tape and shunts are good ideas for WS *BUT*...

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 08:29:24 EDT 1998 | Dave F

SMD: Sounds interesting. What is the contact information on Steve? Dave F | Right now we are taping the goldfingers which is | effective but also expensive. Also, some tape was leaving yellow marks on the goldfingers. We're trying the so-called go

Inline Aqueous Wash for WS and RMA fluxes

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 02:40:45 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad

Hi 'K', We manufacture both batch and inline defluxing equipment so we have no axe to grind with either technology. There are pros and cons associated with both technologies under specific conditions. Batch machines are typically good cleaners but

Inline Aqueous Wash for WS and RMA fluxes

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 11:49:28 EST 2006 | K

We currently have RMA and WS soldering processes here and do batch cleaning for both. We are experiencing some capacity issues and are interested in looking at an IN-LINE aqueous wash. My experience with in-line wash is only with WS. 1. Since RMAs

Inline Aqueous Wash for WS and RMA fluxes

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 21:26:44 EST 2006 | billwestiet

You already have some good answers. A chemical isolation zone for RMA is a good idea. If you are looking for new see the two references you have and Austin America. If you are looking for used, see us at http://www.ietechnology.net. We presently


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