Electronics Forum: gsm and module (Page 1 of 11)

memory module conveyor belt and stacker

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 21:01:40 EST 2021 | brianjones

We are looking at setting up a memory module conveyor belt with a stacker and de-stacker. I will need to handle DDR3 and DDR4 Long DIMM and SODIMM. I will be mounting an image camera under and over the modules. Looks like an edge conveyor would be be

Fuji Pick and Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 16:23:11 EDT 2004 | davem

Hi Grant, In previous positions I've had experience with the Fuji CP43, CP6, CP642, CP643, CP65, IP3 & QP242. In operating, training and process engineering capacities. Presently, I'm working with 2 SMT lines (in a process engineering capacity) wit

MPM Up2000 and SMEMA

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 14 02:41:49 EDT 2016 | bukas

here is well explained SMEMA interface http://www.daghee.com/?p=326 so, disconnect printer from upline modules and check are any 2 of 4 pins shortened(should be pins No 1 & 2) while machine is ready state. when machine is in busy state the same pin

Universal HSP/GSM and Unicam

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 16:22:29 EDT 2006 | jaimebc

Are there any users currently working with Unicam and Universal HSP and GSM? If so, what offline interface are you using? USOS or UCT-52. Was there any conflict between Universal's interface and Unicam? Thanks

Universal HSP/GSM and Unicam

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 16:30:17 EDT 2006 | ratsalad

At my previous employer we ran HSP - GSM lines. Some sites used CIMBridge, others Unicam. We all used UCT52, not USOS, for the HSPs. At that time we had 4796's, 4791's, and USOS 4.X on our GSMs.

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 12:16:46 EDT 2020 | proceng1

We use CircuitCam extensively, but not for MYDATA. What exactly is the issue you are seeing? Do you have the MYDATA Export module from Aegis?

GSM2 and FlexJet heads

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 18:52:29 EDT 2010 | edwaterfall01

There is a retrofit kit to take care of the head cable problem that you mention. The s/n with 7P in it represents what is called the 7 Plus level of the head. There was one more level after that (09) for the GSM. The better heads mentioned in the

High-end SPI and AOI?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 08:09:53 EDT 2009 | kudamarani08

Can anyone help me recommend or simulate a SPI and AOI machine that can balance our FUJI NXT 1 with 14 modules. We are using MPM accela printer. 200 UPH is our target. Here's the PCB dimension length(x) = 399.92mm width(y) = 141.626mm Thanks all!

Pick and place labels

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 10:28:33 EDT 2004 | JB

We are placing labels using a Hoover-Davis feeder with a GSM. Anybody else out there doing this? My question is: Are you using a special nozzle for this operation?

Pick and place pickle

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 09:56:37 EDT 2008 | gabriella

hello Zonker cheaper versions tws essemtec ivastech heeb fridge autotronik more expensive: mydata siemens juki uic GSM europlacer ipulse assemblion I will definitely miss some, but at least is some place to start.

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