Electronics Forum: gsm ups (Page 1 of 25)

Re: gsm software question

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 29 18:01:13 EST 1999 | JAX

What's happenin Larry, I am not sure if bump proccess E is available on this particuliar software rev. but I have forgotten?????? It shouldn't matter; bump proccess A will work fine. The only things you have to do is make sure the pick up point

Universal GSM1 UPS Rev. 1.4

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 03:00:15 EDT 2000 | armin

Hi, Anybody there running GSM1 UPS Rev 1.4 with OS/2 4.0 Warp ? We have OS/2 2.11 and we plan to upgrade to OS/2 4.0 Warp. I'm afraid of some incompatibility issues might occur. Please feedback any incompatibility issues you encountered in case you h

Machine data for SPC?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 13:47:31 EDT 2005 | jh0n!

2xGSM-1, MPM UP1500, MVP AOI. I'm really most concerned with the GSM's, though. :/

Touch up paint for Universal GSM

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 12:31:47 EST 2003 | gregcr

hi all Can anyone give me a place to get touch up paint for the GSM exterior. I had the Sherwin Williams paint code but it seems I have misplaced it. Thanks for the help!

GSM problem/question

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 14:01:03 EST 2000 | greg

I have the following problem with a GSM. When powered up I get the error "Error Initializing Hard Disk Controller 0" do you think this is the controller if so what is the part number for a controller.. any input would be great thank you

GSM problem/question

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 14:01:03 EST 2000 | greg

I have the following problem with a GSM. When powered up I get the error "Error Initializing Hard Disk Controller 0" do you think this is the controller if so what is the part number for a controller.. any input would be great thank you

GSM Enhanced board set-up

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 11 03:49:20 EDT 2008 | dilogic

We have GSM1 running USOS V1.41 and I would like to buy "Enhanced board set-up" software module for it. As UIC does not support our machine any more does anybody have it and wants to sell/share it? - Deni

Re: Universal GSM1 UPS Rev. 1.4

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 16:56:54 EDT 2000 | FlynHi

Why do you want to go to WARP? I hope someone did not suggest WARP was the answer to some problem. I don't think you will have any trouble upgrading to WARP.

GSM Machines

Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 11:51:40 EDT 2007 | flipit

Check with Universal on service. The GSM is a solid machine. Very well built. The older machines will run under IBM OS2 OS. Nothing wrong with this OS. There have been some vision system upgrades also. The older GSM might have the AIS3500 or ne

Touch up paint for Universal GSM

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 14:35:10 EST 2003 | russ

Out of curiosity why wouldn't you use sherwin williams? (french owned?) Russ

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