Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 18:26:09 EDT 2013 | Jeff Kennedy
You might consider to contact a lab to Run a microindenter against a know good soft gold sample. The knoop value for the soft gold will be much lower than for hard gold. This would be reflected in the diameter measurement of the indented samples.Smal
Electronics Forum | Thu May 02 09:33:30 EDT 2013 | 15009
Looking for advice on soldering lead free paste to a board with very heavy gold plating. I have learned from the Customer that this is HARD GOLD and that it is 10-20 Micro Inches Hard Gold over 100 Micro inches of Nickel. When we reflowed the solde
Electronics Forum | Fri May 03 16:06:44 EDT 2013 | hegemon
To be short, no change in profile is going to get you through this. As I recall the point of hard gold is to retard the wetting process, so no surprise here. For example a connector might have hard gold plating at the mating surface, but not at t
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 13:19:38 EDT 2013 | anvil1021
Does anyone know how to test for hard gold on a PCB? We are in a challenging situation with a PCB provider and we need some objective evidence other than wire bond failure to present to them. Any comments could help ....Thank you Anvil
Electronics Forum | Mon May 20 15:43:01 EDT 2013 | ngotranbestek
Hi I meet problem by PCB with diameter 300cm and thick 6mm i used tin-lead with profile normal, soak time 60-90 sec, Temp peak is 220 degree C, But solder see not good, not shiny. Any body recomend help me to fix this problem for Hard gold playing.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 09:16:36 EDT 2013 | grahamcooper22
you need to reduce your time above liquidus to as low as you can...maybe 10~30 secs to allow the solder to wet to the gold but minimise the amount of gold that is dissolved into the solder joint...try also reducing the peak temp to 200~210 deg C. Thi
Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 12:20:09 EDT 2013 | davef
Gold in solder alloys can be brittle. We always used to talk about keeping gold LT 3% in order to avoid embrittlement. Some military contracts require removal of gold from soldered contacts. Adding gold to a solder alloy that you're familiar with wi
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 16:45:20 EST 1999 | Mark Henebry
Does anyone know if I will have problems soldering surface mount components to an all hard gold plated PC board. We want to use hard gold similar to gold used for edge fingers because our customer is concerned about wear and conductivity of connector
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 23:40:26 EST 1999 | Chris G.
| Does anyone know if I will have problems soldering surface mount components to an all hard gold plated PC board. We want to use hard gold similar to gold used for edge fingers because our customer is concerned about wear and conductivity of connect
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 18:36:47 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| Does anyone know if I will have problems soldering surface mount components to an all hard gold plated PC board. We want to use hard gold similar to gold used for edge fingers because our customer is concerned about wear and conductivity of connect