Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 23:18:03 EDT 2013 | feiyangniao
There is a new toy I received today: a NeoDen TM-240A automatic desktop pick and place machine! I’ve kept my eyes on this baby for a quite a while, and finally decided to make a purchase last week. The shipping was very fast: DHL from China, a total
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 13:16:57 EDT 2018 | harlymh
Would you recommend a Yamaha Pick and place? In terms of reliability, accuracy, cph? We're looking for a pick and place that can deliver a 50 micron accuracy. What brands do you recommend for high accuracy placements?
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 06 11:12:57 EST 2008 | janz
Hello, One of our pick and place machine uses rietschel vaccum pump. It is making lot of noise. I am in searching alternative solution which could be venturi pumps. Does anyone has experince in changing vaccum pump to venturi system.? What should
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 14:26:16 EST 2008 | slthomas
It'll just transfer the load to your compressor, and who knows how efficient your venturi pump (which can also be noisy) will be (IOW, how much load it puts on your compressor is anyone's guess)? I'd just replace or rebuild the vacuum pump, person
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 12:15:32 EST 2000 | Neil
I am looking for a Mydata users group, one possibly located in the Chicago area. If such a group does not exist, I would be more than happy to help start one. I have an older Mydata TP9 (non-UNIX) machine, with weak (yet expensive) support from the m
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 13:27:07 EST 2008 | evtimov
Hi janz, you should be aware of everything. You are going to change subsystem on your machine. How much vacuum you need on the machine? Can you control the vacuum level with your system? Can you control the the system at all? Is it really much more
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 02:57:53 EDT 2018 | rob
Yes I would, most of our old Yamaha machines (before 2005) will do 30-35 microns @ 3 sigma with the fine camera option. Our Jukis with His res camera's will hit it too. You should be OK with most things after 1997 with the right camera choice (whic
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 22:24:48 EDT 2004 | rohman23
I am interested in getting feedback from anyone who has or is reeling different parts on the same reel for pick and place. Our department is extremely high mix, extremely low volume. I am also very new to surface mount, and any experience with this
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 05 09:12:34 EDT 2003 | caldon
All of our PNP machine run on UPS back up. Though our machine controller is Dos and failry stable it is integrated with Windows NT who does not like to be prematurley shut down. We get a window of about 4 hours from the UPS. Remember this is just o
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 19 17:45:35 EST 1999 | Bill Petlock
Clarissa, Buying used equipment should not be risky if you do your homework. As M COX said, you should find out if the manufacturer still supports the machinery but don't take everything they tell you as gospel. Remember, they want to sell you a new
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