Electronics Forum: how long splicing (Page 1 of 114)

Reel splicing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 12:11:17 EDT 2014 | rgduval

We used to use the Tapesplicer tool available from http://www.tapesplice.com (Sierra Electronics), in a high mix, low volume environment with MyData's (older feeders). Short review: It worked. Longer review: First, technique is everything. Splicin

Machine utilization - splicing

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 04:54:30 EDT 2006 | bayanbaru

We are using Siemens pick and place machine for chip placement. Our goal is to continuous production during component replenishment. In Siemens machine, the feeders that can be removed, reloaded, and placed back on the machine while the machine is ru

Fuji CP643 maintenance, how long should it take?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 11:09:27 EDT 2011 | nworr

Wondering how long does it usually take to do a weekly/monthly/quarterly service? Currently we have one person that does the service and I really don't think it should take him as long as it does.

Fuji CP643 maintenance, how long should it take?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 15:05:59 EDT 2011 | shannond

You could always go out on the floor with the tech and do the PM with them. That way you would have 1st hand experience and would be able to offer some creative insight as to how this person could better manage thier time. Or you can post a question

Fuji CP643 maintenance, how long should it take?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 13:50:46 EDT 2011 | cyber_wolf

The time it takes to PM a CP643 is really dependent on how much you run the machine. If you are running 3 shifts obviously the machine will require more attention than one shift. You are probably not going to want to hear this, but it does take a su

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 22 10:48:08 EDT 2005 | Rob

Cheers Greg, It's unusual to have such direct access to manufacturers & their opinions. I'll tell you what really does get us, and splicing doesn't work well on these occaisions - big SMD connectors, requiring deep pocket feeders. You only get m

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 21 12:30:03 EDT 2005 | Rob

Hi Greg, We've used lots of machines over the years & seen lots of different tape related issues - the main one being snap off of the cover tape, usually due to too much glue, over entusiastic heat seal, or a feeder requiring maintainance. Also the

How long for NPI?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 17:06:55 EDT 1998 | Jerry

I have some general questions about new product introduction: 1. How much capacity on the average is committed (line shifts) are committed by your factory to NPI? ie. We commit one line on 8 hour shift per day to NPI. 2. How many NPI's would you com

How long can solder sit on panel

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 10:51:22 EDT 2017 | cbeneat

I have a question for the experts. After a panel is printed, how long is too long for the panel to sit prior to reflow? I understand each paste will be different, wondering if there is a general rule of thumb?

How long can you leave paste?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 19 06:47:36 EDT 2007 | chrissieneale

After a little investigation (with my eyes closed and fingers crossed) how about up to 24 hours?! ?! I think i might have found one of the root causes of my oooooodles of rework.

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