Electronics Forum: ip2 and maintainance (Page 1 of 8)

Fuji cp3 and ip2 placement speed

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 12 14:47:01 EDT 2002 | soupatech

Hi, Does anyone know the aprox. parts per hour a cp3 and ip2 should place assuming the program is optimized and everything else goes well (yeah right!)? I understand there are a lot of factors involved to get the correct numbers but what is the BEST

Fuji cp3 and ip2 placement speed

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 12 18:51:42 EDT 2002 | russ

The "BEST" thsat they could do is what is in the manual. BUT we all know that no-one that I know of designs boards with only 0805 on .100" centers with one component. CP 3 should give you on average maybe 10k per hour. IP 2 I really don't know sin

Fuji cp3 and ip2 placement speed

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 12 18:26:05 EDT 2002 | pjc

If you are talking actual placement rate- from first fiducial read of board no. 1 to first fiducial read of board no. 2, here is the best I've ever seen based on the boards I've run: CP3- 141 seconds for 468 components per board (all rectangular chi

Fuji cp3 and ip2 placement speed

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 13 10:08:44 EDT 2002 | dougt

Tony, I'm in Ken's corner.....the speeds the manufacturers offer are pretty much meaningless when it comes down to your particular board. Brand X can say they will do 1,000,000 cph but when you put your board on the machine with multiple parts at di

Fuji cp3 and ip2 placement speed

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 13 13:34:39 EDT 2002 | soupatech

Thanks for all the input everyone..... At least I have a starting point and have something to compare my actual numbers with. It seems to me the most important thing to worry about is feeders and writing the program correctly. I have spent most of my

Fuji cp3 and ip2 placement speed

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 13 01:53:19 EDT 2002 | kenbliss

Hey Tony Although clearly everyone so far on this forum agrees that there is no real number in real life and virtual life is well....useless. The reality is that what you are really after is maximizing uptime, meaning, look closely at every event t

BGA's and the Fuji IP2

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 12:30:56 EDT 2002 | soupatech

I just go off the phone w/ Fuji and they seem to think that the lizard tounge (used another name, same idea) is only available for the IP3. They had a few other suggestions for adapting the IP2 like a rubber pad for the carrier or building "rails" to

BGA's and the Fuji IP2

Electronics Forum | soupatech |

Fri Jul 12 11:16:03 EDT 2002

BGA's and the Fuji IP2

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 14:35:03 EDT 2002 | jax

BGA Clamp...... Sounds to technical to me! Not sure about what is needed for installing on IP2, although I am pretty sure it can be done. I have no pic to give. Stop working with FUJI about 5 years ago.

BGA's and the Fuji IP2

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 10:54:17 EDT 2002 | pr

Why not get them on tape and reel? I always found the less I use the trays the better.

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