Electronics Forum: ipc 6012 vs mil p 5510 (Page 1 of 2)

Re: FR4 vs Polyamide

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 15 15:33:47 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| Any info on the pros and cons of FR4 or Polyamide ref the use of soldering PGAs would be helpful. ie. temp co-efficient diffs, baking, wave soldering, Convection reflow etc | I'm sure you know all the basic differences as Tg, X, Y, and Z expansi

Ionic - MIL-P-28809A vs IPC TM650 (2.3.25C)

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 04:00:36 EST 2008 | caerleon

Our sub-contractors will be using SMD600. Thankyou all for your replies much appriciated.

Ionic - MIL-P-28809A vs IPC TM650 (2.3.25C)

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 19 06:02:22 EST 2008 | caerleon

Hi all, I have been in the game for near on 15 years and finally something has stumped me! As this site has always provided a wealth of knowledge and at times some amusement I have decided to post it here. Ok. My company uses a test method on an Om

Ionic - MIL-P-28809A vs IPC TM650 (2.3.25C)

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 19 13:16:54 EST 2008 | sjpence

Simon, The equivalence factors were used to scale the values measured by ionic testing equipment to the values measured in the standard manual method. There is a good write-up by Bill Kenyon in this Technet Post describing the creating of the facto

Ionic - MIL-P-28809A vs IPC TM650 (2.3.25C)

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 19 20:07:05 EST 2008 | davef

First, it's GREAT to have a long-term lurker posting here on SMTnet. Maybe this will encourage other lurkers to join us. [We'll try to be on our best behavior.] Second, while Stephen Pence's explanation of 'equivalence factors' is accurate, your con

Ionic - MIL-P-28809A vs IPC TM650 (2.3.25C)

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 06:43:42 EST 2008 | sjpence

I'm not sure I completely agree with you regarding the smoke screen factor. I have found many times confusion around bulk ionic testing comes down to people not understanding your point about it not being a "standard or absolute value". Most people

Ionic - MIL-P-28809A vs IPC TM650 (2.3.25C)

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 19:47:04 EST 2008 | davef

Steve In response to your comments: SP: I'm not sure I completely agree with you regarding the smoke screen factor. I have found many times confusion around bulk ionic testing comes down to people not understanding your point about it not being a "

PCA shipping requirements

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 28 08:27:05 EST 2006 | davef

Choices are: * IPC-RB-276 [superseded by IPC-6011/6012], Section 5 discusses some basic shipping and packaging requirements. Also, it references ASTM D-3951 and MIL-P-116. * Universal Instruments has done a nice job putting together a packaging speci

Number of thermal excursions per componet

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 21:05:48 EDT 2001 | davef

BGA Cycle 1: solder ball attach. BGA Cycle 2: BGA attach to board. BGA Cycle 3: BGA removal from board. BGA Cycle 4: BGA pad dress. BGA Cycle 5: BGA ball replacement. BGA Cycle 6: BGA re-attach to board. Board Cycle 1: BGA attach to board. Boar

Re: PCB fab supplier supplier/evaluation

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 08 11:15:32 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Mike, | | | | Got your message and those of others concerning PCB fab supplier evaluation and qualification check lists, etc. I have a severe problem here in WI as I can hardly access the internet, and when I do it is cut off abruptly for no goo

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