Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 12 21:31:26 EST 2015 | warwolf
The closer your inspection the more defects you will find, the more rework you do the possible cost you will add and the potential increase of damage you could do to your products if rework is not up to a machine copyable standard. "Is there any in
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 29 23:35:42 EST 2014 | abhilash4788
Dear All, I'm just a budding engineer in EMS field. Here we used to manufacture different classes of PCBA. I would like to know about different process that need to be considered while manufacturing class 3 product. If we are going for microscopic
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 06 06:56:26 EST 2015 | stivais
How about rework (touch-up) for Class 3? Some say that you are not allowed to rework anything for Class 3. Though I have not found any proof for this 'requirement' in the standards.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 10 09:04:47 EST 2015 | jandon
class 3 requires 100% barrel fill Class 3 requires 75% vertical fill of solder for component with less or more than 14 leads. Not 100% fill.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 06 13:26:47 EST 2015 | rgduval
I can't say I've ever heard that you shouldn't rework class 3 products. Since class 3 and class 2 are inherently inspection standards, rework might be required to meet class 3 specs. In the past, that has been an issue, as everyone wants to produce
Electronics Forum | jandon |
Sat Jan 10 05:48:09 EST 2015
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 30 09:31:52 EST 2014 | rgduval
I've always approached it like this: Design your processes and perform your work to class three standards, and inspect to the standard that is acceptable. That is, all work should be performed to the highest degree of quality. When the work is ins
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 10 05:55:13 EST 2015 | jandon
Rework is acceptable in class 3 but hardware defects shall be documented before rework and rework shall be documented.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 01:37:54 EDT 2001 | philipreyes
60% 36% 0f ball area >36% Class2 Accept Reject 45% of ball diameter >45% 20.25% of ball area >20.25% Class3 Accept
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 17:35:08 EST 2008 | davef
SM-840, is a material qualification document only, with all the test requirements applicable only to a defined test coupon, not to production boards. So, it's useless for what you're trying to accomplish. As assemblers use A-610 - Acceptability Of E