Electronics Forum: ir reflow units (Page 1 of 45)

Rework units with parylene coating

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 07:44:15 EDT 2005 | bandjwet

Peter: Based on our company's experience with removing a variety of different coatings, including parylene, the BGA's can be removed. We would use a chemical etch followed by a neutralizing process. We would then reflow the devices and pry them off

Re: SOT23 crack during solder reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 18:04:16 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| After reflow proces in convection-IR oven we find broken body of SOT23 elements. There is no problems on other elements (SOIC, chip R,chip C, etc) | Where is the problem? | | Thanks in advance! | Check your profile at the site of cracked component

Small scale reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 15 06:30:23 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice

Its not the max temperature that is the issue, its how much energy the oven is capable of transferring to the PCB inside the 4-6 minute window of a typical profile. In a conveyor oven this is achieved by having zones of different temperatures, but th

UBLOX Tim-4A reflow problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 08:46:26 EST 2006 | aj

Hi, We use UBLOX-LEA-LA. Is this the same component as you are using? We followed the recommended stencil design with a 6thou stencil and we have had no issues. We have run approx: 3k units so far. We had some minor issues at the start but this w

Small scale reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 15:43:26 EDT 2019 | tjs1634

We handle a similar SMTA quantity in house and use a 5 zone SMTmax AE-F530C 220V Single Phase Equipment Outline Size L-2000* W-612* H1220 mm Heat Zone Length 1000mm Equipment Weight 180kg Max power 7kW Belt Width 300 mm PCB Size 280x280 mm Comp

Small scale reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 20:07:50 EDT 2019 | sarason

I measured the temperature rise when I built the unit and it has a nice linear rise in temperature over the 3 minutes. I have used the Quikees before. The galcon gas stinks and must be evacuated. The galcon is expensive. The galcon is a perflourocar

PCB post reflow cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 28 22:17:36 EST 2004 | Grant Petty

Hi, I would also be interested in this thread, but our problem has a different twist to it. We have good results from our reflow with Koki no clean paste, however when we pass the boards through the wave solder machine, the flux in that leaves a fog

SOT23 crack during solder reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 07:03:34 EDT 1999 | Milan Z.

After reflow proces in convection-IR oven we find broken body of SOT23 elements. There is no problems on other elements (SOIC, chip R,chip C, etc) Where is the problem? Thanks in advance!

Help required selecting reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 13:19:32 EDT 2019 | emeto

Basic rules: 1. The longer the oven the better(if you have the space)- better temp control, better repeatability, better throughput. 2. Only convection - don't get IR heaters 3. Buy reputable brand machine

SMT PCA to chassis reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 04 14:22:51 EDT 2001 | davef

I just rooted through an analysis that we did five or six years ago [so current it aint] and finally found the goods. We talked to Vitronic, Heller, Electrovert, IR, and Conceptronic. Only Electrovert had a 2.75" throat [rail to top of board cleara

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