Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 11:36:17 EDT 2013 | moussa
We have an unloader jot Automation : - NO:35036A-7.1 - code:J213-25.5/5 - SNO:10201646 0.4) The problem is that the PT control give an error message witch is : “No direct information is set! use the support tool to set the PT control area and PT
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 04:42:34 EST 2006 | magnus_y_carlsson
Does anyone know where i can buy spareparts to JOT conveyors?
Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 09:53:54 EDT 2008 | llaerum
We have had some trouble with our Jot conveyors and the FUJI NXT. We had to modify the JOT control circuit in order for the SMEMA protocol to work prpoerly. I am not saying that this is JOTs fault. There seemed to be an incompatibility and modifying
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 03:14:26 EDT 2004 | saiwong
Does anyone knows the Web Site of the JOT convoyor company which is located in Finland. I tried to surf the web site http://www.jot.fi But it was not the right one. Please help.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 05:31:45 EDT 2004 | saiwong
Does anyone knows the Web Site of the JOT convoyor manyfacturing company which is located in Finland. I tried to surf the web site http://www.jot.fi But it was not the right one. Please help.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 00:13:00 EST 2004 | saiwong
I have a problem that our JOT convoyors & loader cannot connect the Fuji machine. Also, I wondered how can I get the support from JOT.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 08:04:54 EDT 2000 | Mulitze
If you�re interested in new conveyers, contact ASYS via http://www.asys.de They offer a service in Europe and USA. Another worldwide company is JOT, contact via http://www.jot.fi (Homepage is in english) Best regards Bernhard
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 14 06:10:12 EDT 2005 | dj_jago
JOT were taken over by Elektrobit a couple of years ago. Try contacting them for the information. Do a web search for 'Elektrobit' for contact details.
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 17 09:35:33 EDT 2005 | ozgur.varol@basari.com.tr
I have one of these too and � have manuals about jot conveyour but my conveyour has a pot for adjust the speed � can send conveyour's electrical schmatic to you as a jpeg format
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 14:44:24 EDT 2005 | fastek
Call Tom Gizzi at Recon in N.C. He's real good on JOT's and he works real cheap. 704-488-1722