Electronics Forum: jot magazine loader

PLC for JOT magazine loader

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 12 11:55:06 EDT 2022 | ilavu

We have one JOT magazine loader and PLC died on it. I contacted JOT multiple time to get replacement PLC or backup of PLC and no answer from their support. I have same model of PLC but I dont have PLC program backup. Can anyone here help me who have

REQ: PLC program for JOT213

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 12:41:05 EST 2021 | ilavu

I am looking for a PLC program for JOT213 magazine loader. The PLC unit in the machine is Omron CQM CPU21. If anyone have similar model and can share PLC backup.

Dream SMT Line

Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 08:30:52 EDT 2004 | pjc

For any application- high-mix, low volume to low-mix high-volume: J.O.T. Automation board handling MPM UltraFlex 3000 printer CyberOptics SE300 3D post print inspector 2x Mydata Synergy II w/ Linear Magazines and Agilis feeders CyberOptics Flex


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