Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 13:22:29 EDT 2002 | kevin
as the title says, should gold pads be pre-tinned, and are there any issues with soldering to gold pads?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 06:35:08 EDT 2006 | kevin
Hi all, Does anyone know the default passwords for a conceptronic profile 160. I need levels 1, 2 and 4 thnks in advance
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 15:23:03 EDT 2004 | Phil
Hi Kevin Please also see my website http://www.solderrecovery.com
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 11:31:22 EDT 2003 | ksfacinelli
Dave, So if liquidus is 184 are you saying I should be at 209 for how long??? Kevin
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 24 18:09:24 EDT 2005 | Jeglum
Kevin Donahue FlexLink 2150 Western Court Lile, IL 60532 630-629-6900
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 30 13:01:27 EDT 2005 | Jim
Hi-Tech stencils in San Diego. email him at kevin@hitechstencils.com
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 15 03:42:22 EDT 2006 | aj
Kevin, Dont be so hard on yourself, "I am a Tool".... aj...
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 16:57:30 EDT 2016 | duoman
Kevin, have you contacted Tech Support?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 16:33:56 EDT 2005 | Kevin Nolan
Grant, My name is Kevin Nolan and I work for PennEngineering Fastening Technologies. Maker of Stickscrew and Stickscrew Installation Systems. If you would like to contact me at 800-523-5321 ext 1203 or knolan@pemnet.com I would gladly help you with a
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 18 13:15:57 EDT 2000 | Kevin Simpson
HI, We have placed with both Fuji Qp's and Universal Gsm's. We are running a small coil now on a Gsm with a sucessful rate.The Qp done well also, but the product is not ran on a Qp line, so no true production rate has been determined.I don't feel