Electronics Forum: kme and mr-j2s-40b-ee006 (Page 1 of 1)

New Pick and Place Operation

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 00:51:15 EDT 2004 | fastek

Ken...you are right on the money. I couldn't imagine someone new to SMT assembly getting themselves involved with such an old platform. Besides I would have my doubts that a Quad 4C can even handle what this guy would want it to do. 0402's on a 20 ye

Operative system for Reflow RF10A-M and PRU of SP10P-M

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 22 18:15:52 EDT 2003 | samaniegocesar

The Machines are Panasonic KME Create 1991, if you know some place to get the Operative systems I will apreciate the support. Regards..


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