Electronics Forum: l and pattern and 0603 (Page 1 of 1)

Re: WAVE SOLDERING and Gluing 0603 packages

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 15:04:44 EDT 1999 | M.T.

| | Has anyone had trouble waving and gluing 0603 R's and C's? At my company, our designers have "opened the floodgates" on bottom-side 0603's. | | | | We've got an EPK+ with rotary chip and omega wave but can't seem to get skip-free soldering on t

Re: WAVE SOLDERING and Gluing 0603 packages

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 09:46:05 EDT 1999 | C.K.

Chrys: I have checked all the basic elements of Wave solder joint formation: fluxing, preheating, and lastly soldering. For checking the fluxer, i used a product from ECD that's very similar to what you desribed called the flux-o-meter. It did a

Re: WAVE SOLDERING and Gluing 0603 packages

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 12:05:50 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | | Has anyone had trouble waving and gluing 0603 R's and C's? At my company, our designers have "opened the floodgates" on bottom-side 0603's. | | | | | | We've got an EPK+ with rotary chip and omega wave but can't seem to get skip-free solderin

Re: WAVE SOLDERING and Gluing 0603 packages

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 09:18:27 EDT 1999 | C.K.

| | | | Has anyone had trouble waving and gluing 0603 R's and C's? At my company, our designers have "opened the floodgates" on bottom-side 0603's. | | | | | | | | We've got an EPK+ with rotary chip and omega wave but can't seem to get skip-free so

Comparison between Vitech and Mirtec

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 18:35:05 EST 2011 | eadthem

Ive used a Mirtec machine for 3 years MV3L with side angle inspection. Mirtec has some issues documentation, and repair plus. But there machine is impressive and the AOI software is good. We can find about 90-99.99% of all errors using just the 5

Re: Land patterns for 0612 and 0508 capacitors

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 21:23:55 EST 1999 | cklau

hello; When we are doing component land pattern design , one thing will always be in our mind; that is the basic criteria or common land pattern design guideline for reflow and flow solder assemblies. For basic fomula in calculating resistors are:

Can UP 2000 printer work with R and L justified stencils?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 16:33:48 EDT 2006 | G.P.

I think he meant stencils where the print pattern is front, left, or right justified on the stencil itself as opposed to being centerred. Is that what you meant. It can be done on DEK printers, but it has been several years that I worked with an MP


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