Electronics Forum: label and template (Page 1 of 6)

YesTech F1 AOI false calls and misses

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 14:11:27 EDT 2012 | rway

Programming is different, yes, but so is the terminology. ///with machine vision you have parameters that select what is good and what is bad, and you have parameters that help make bad look worse and good look better making the difference between w

Label Print Software

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 17:13:13 EDT 2020 | kghadiya

Hello experts, Hope you'll are doing well. I wondering if anyone know FREE label design and/or print software for which have zebra and Brady label templates?

Pick and place labels

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 11:28:57 EDT 2004 | Frank

We have placed labels using the Hover-Davis label feeders on our Juki machines and we used standard nozzles. Are your labels an odd shape where a standard nozzle won't work?

Pick and place labels

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 11:50:54 EDT 2004 | JB

We are using a standard nozzle Once placed, the label is not flat, the ends of the label are slightly lifted on both ends. The label is .650 x .200 Have you guys run into a similar problem?

PCB Identification and Tracking

Electronics Forum | Tue May 06 09:38:41 EDT 2003 | blnorman

We use both labels and lasers to mark our boards. Since implementing the lasers, the downtime attributed to bar code labels on those lines have dropped to virtually nothing. We still have problems with the labels wrinkling during reflow making read

Pick and place labels

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 10:28:33 EDT 2004 | JB

We are placing labels using a Hoover-Davis feeder with a GSM. Anybody else out there doing this? My question is: Are you using a special nozzle for this operation?

Pick and place labels

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 28 12:44:30 EDT 2004 | JB

You are right, basically our options are down to a custom nozzle. Pushing down the label is not the route that I would go with. Thanks for your input and good to hear that you guys found a way around it.

Pick and place labels

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 12:02:57 EDT 2004 | Frank

Yes, I can see your problem, the nozzle makes only good contact in the center and so the ends don't make good contact. The ends tend to curl up during reflow. There were two suggestions to solve this. 1) Let the operator push down the labels befor

assembly serialization and traceability

Electronics Forum | Fri May 31 16:26:22 EDT 2002 | Feederman

Steve, you might want to check out the pre-printed and print-on-demand label feeders that are available through Hover-Davis. These types of feeder remove the potential human placement errors which sometimes occur. The feeders are available for most p

PCB Identification and Tracking

Electronics Forum | Mon May 05 22:24:17 EDT 2003 | jlipton

We are investigating a system, using 2-D matrix code, that will identify and track every PCB throughout our factory, starting from bare board. As a low-medium volume manufacturer, would labels or laser marking be more cost-effective? How difficult is

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