Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 16:07:42 EDT 2007 | wana
Hello All. Can the experts in the lead free field guide me to the articles / data confirming that it is OK to use lead free components in the normal "leaded" (Pb) SMT process. And also if any changes in the process would be required to be made. Th
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 11 01:55:16 EDT 2005 | Mika
I forgot to mentioned, that we produce both leaded and RoHS products in the same SMT-lines. The only thing we do; is a more trouhgfully cleaning of the stencil printing machine in beween product changeover of leaded/RoHS products. Sincerly,
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 02:32:12 EDT 2006 | raqi16
yep, only SMT reflow.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 07 13:46:17 EDT 2006 | slthomas
Is it safe to assume that you're only talking about SMT reflow here?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 15:19:15 EDT 2005 | jimmyjames
Sorry this is such a long thread but I would like as much input as possible to everything I ramble on about... :) ------------------------------------------------------ We are now seeing more and more RoHS parts showing up in our SMT inventory and
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 28 03:26:59 EDT 2009 | gvkirubakaran
Dear sir, We are first time purchased in SMT machine and Through hole machines 1) Please suggest me, i will started the process in first the SMT process or the Axial machine and Radial machine process (THT Line) 2) i want SMT line process proced
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 28 12:04:24 EDT 2009 | davef
Bound books with concise information on SMT implementation are: * A compilation of "Step By Step" articles from SMT Magazine: http://www.booknews.co.uk/Books/Book4490.html * Setting Up In-House Surface Mount Technology [Books], Schoch, K.F., Jr., El
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 21:44:52 EST 2005 | Chua
Hi, I have component like QFP and connector which is lead free component. And now the process still is leaded process. Pls advise whether I can use the lead free QFP and connector on leaded process. Appreciate the help.....
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 09:53:36 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda
Yes, you can use lead-free parts in a leaded process. And the other is true as well, no-lead free parts in a leaded process. BUT, you should not use leaded parts through a non-lead wave solder process and of course, your board will not be RoSH.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 10:28:08 EDT 2007 | wana
Thanks guys for the suggestions. But, what I am looking for is data, papers, articles to support this process of using lead free parts in leaded process. Again thanks for any help that you can provide.
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