Electronics Forum: leadfree profile (Page 1 of 22)

Tin Lead BGAs in leadfree paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 10:46:45 EST 2006 | Loco

You have 2 groups giving us 'evidence' here: 1. the research companies who will do anything to scare us, just to make sure more research will be done, if they said everting was fine they'ld be out of a job in a sec. Ex: look at that paper, a leaded

Tin Lead BGAs in leadfree paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 10:46:24 EST 2006 | muse95

I have to disagree with you, BillyD. If Craig searches the forum, he will see that the concept of a Pbfree BGA with SnPb paste has been debated many times. You say it is fine. I say it is NOT. There have been several studies done that clearly sho

Tin Lead BGAs in leadfree paste

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 12 01:58:44 EST 2006 | grantp

Hi, We have been soldering lead free BGA's onto products with lead based paste, and we have had no increase in defects at all. We have used a standard lead paste profile, so we are not altering the temps anything from what's recommended by the paste

Lead free profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 16:59:22 EST 2005 | frankracine

Hi Jay, Concerning you PCB, what TG do you expect to use for your lead free process? On my side I have a problem. I order PCB from Canada and from China. My PCB vendor in china is producing a lot of OSP and ENIG PCB, no HASL lead free and in Cana

Question about leaded parts used in leadfree soldering process

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 14 07:59:42 EDT 2006 | amol_kane

Hi russ, I am in the process of developing a "hybrid" reflow profile to solder a board that has LF BGAs and leaded solder. Have you encountered a similar situation before? if so what was the "safe" top side temp for the leaded components that was set

Question about leaded parts used in leadfree soldering process

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 21 07:44:04 EDT 2006 | amol_kane

yes! i though this thread looked familiar! looks like it has been repeated....even the response from muse is very very familiar...that, or i am have a serious attack of deja vu! thanks for the requote though.......by doing some research I decided to

Question about leaded parts used in leadfree soldering process

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 22:46:26 EDT 2006 | samir

Amol, I thought I answered your question in another thread, dude! Anyway, to re-iterate. Yes, I was able to pull it off a hybrid profile. The LF BGA passed tensile testing, but no, it wasn't thermally cycled or stressed first to expose any latent

Re: reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 04 15:37:51 EST 2000 | blnorman

Out of curiosity, what flavor lead-free paste were you using? That's also going to affect the profile.

Lead free profile

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 01:07:51 EST 2005 | gpaelmo

Doesn't the components and PCB need to be lead-free also to be a "true" lead-free process?

Lead free profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 16:45:02 EST 2005 | davef

Look here:http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/leadtest/leadfree.html

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