Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 27 06:30:56 EDT 2004 | zlatkon
hi does anybody have or know scheme for driving triac loaded with inductive elements such as toroidal transformer thank you in advanced
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 27 06:34:48 EDT 2004 | sagar
can u please help me wethher two amps be connected in series or not
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 02 04:25:54 EDT 2011 | marios1
dear all i am looking for a grohmann magazine loader user manual
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 15:17:51 EST 2006 | Tom newman
Have a problem getting a new load cell in a timely manner for my DEK260 screen printer. Please contact me at 614-791-0070
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 08 22:20:39 EST 2002 | grantp
Hi, We have been manufacturing a PCB, however it's been quite tricky to profile, as the edges of the PCB are reflowing before the center of the PCB. I have looked at the design, and there is a small power plane for 2.5 Volt in the center of the PCB
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 16 10:31:21 EST 2002 | davef
Grant, On those 'dry pads', where does the solder paste end-up after soldering? On: * Pads * Component leads * Someplace else [Where?]
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 16 21:51:28 EST 2002 | grantp
Hi, It's on the pads. They look ok, but when you check the lead comes away from the solder. Regards, Grant Blackmagic Design
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 17 18:37:18 EST 2002 | davef
As a starting point, consider that these component leads may not be getting hot enough. Measure the temperature profile on the leads that do not solder well to be sure: * Heating and cooling ramps are within the paste supplier's recommendations. * C
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 16 10:05:29 EST 2002 | Grant Petty
Hi, Thanks for the info. We are reflowing the boards, but just barely. Sometimes we get the QFP in the middle of the copper area not reflowing, and it's pain. The joints are dry, and I am not sure if it's caused by lack of heat, or the flux going ba
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 09 08:13:06 EST 2002 | MA/NY DDave
Hi Yes it is common to design for more uniform heat transfer during the soldering phase or even during the operation phase. It all depends on how bad the problem is during automated assembly or during usage. The only difficulty is that the designer