Electronics Forum: m801 (Page 1 of 1)

MPA80 visual correction - How I do it ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 04:10:15 EST 2007 | fpcb

This was helpfull. Thnks . The Program origin was far away from the fiducials. Thats why I have this message. Now the next problem: I insert command N2 with M801 , I go at 1st fiducial .... all ok I insert command N3 with

MPA80 visual correction - How I do it ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 08 01:47:35 EST 2007 | fpcb

hi to all, I have a old MPA-80 machine. I use it for simple boards without problems till now. For a more difficult board I have tried to use command "M801", I think that I have done everything right but I receive a error-message like " x(-)soft


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