Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 09:15:42 EST 2021 | bukas
hi, can you please share your experiences with manncorp wave soldering machines? i'm looking to buy 28D400 but any testimony is welcome. thx
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 16:59:37 EST 2021 | spoiltforchoice
An eerie silence often accompanies Manncorp discussions, frankly from memory when people do discuss them (as a company) its not exactly great with regards to support for older products.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 16:26:37 EST 1999 | Nancy
Is anyone familiar with any of Manncorp used in Surface Mount Assembly?
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 11 14:51:14 EST 2002 | hgwells
Also try Manncorp's dispensers: http://www.manncorp.com/smt-dispense.htm. Regards, Heather Wells
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 23:10:48 EDT 2005 | fastek
Ken works for Manncorp....that's why. He he!
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 14:53:14 EDT 2014 | emeto
Hi, Essemtec and Mydata are big companies in the industry that manufacture machines . Manncorp is a reseller.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 11 00:04:26 EST 2002 | caldon
For the placement CPH you are looking for Manncorp can provide the whole turn key line and support and service the turn key line. "One stop shopping". Conveyors to printers to Placement to AOI to cleaning on to production management software. Please
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 24 10:00:06 EDT 2010 | cellis
Actually the contact info for Manncorp is incorrect. Our web site is http://www.manncorp.com. We are located at 2845 Terwood Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19090. You can contact Chris direct at cellis@manncorp.com. Our phone is 215-830-1200
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 03 10:39:38 EDT 2013 | jaimebc
Which model of Manncorp are you looking in to, we recently purchased from Manncorp and I can tell you from our experience what to expect.