Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 20 08:19:54 EST 2007 | Steve
One question about the build to print statement; is there some note saying that the vias are to be plugged with mask? If so, I'm wondering when the circle of mask was done over the vias. If it was done as a secondary operation after flood coating, t
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 19:23:05 EST 2023 | SMTA-64387083
Read the articles everyone else recommend. I haven't read of them but I will say this. A Solder Mask Defined pad is a copper flood that has much more thermal mass than a Non-Solder Mask Defined pad so it will heat and cool at a slower rate. I suspect
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 07 15:55:37 EDT 1998 | Michael Allen
| I'm also in the "Don't score it" camp. Routed breakaways are much better. If your wave solder process has decent control on the wave height, you shouldn't worry about flooding the boards. | The fine pitch consideration for panelizing - Since you
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 26 07:52:35 EDT 2020 | sync40
Hello to everyone, Have you ever experienced soldermask bubbles inmediately after printed the soldermask itself? (for screen printing method of LPISM). I am not talking here about blistering or any outgassing defects after exposing to high temperatu
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 18:11:20 EDT 2012 | rsikora
Your selection of pads to use as Fids will be critical. In your pictures of the QFN component, the pcb pads are primarily non-solder mask defined, but on 3 sides of the QFN the corner pads become solder mask defined due to the copper ground flood.
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 08:01:45 EST 1999 | Scott Cook
| Can someone please advise me to the rework procedure for removal and replacing Ceramic Chip Capacitors (e.g. 0805, 1206, etc.)? | | Is it necessary to pre-heat ceramic capacitors before soldering them onto a PCB with a soldering iron? Is this just
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 18:41:33 EST 2007 | darby
You printer is not solely designed for printing solder paste. This is why some of the options you would never use for paste appear in the menu. You may actually be printing overlays or yes, even t-shirts. This is why you may want to flood/print, prin
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 17:11:04 EST 1999 | chris arnold
| I realize it's been discussed many times before. I need to know your opinions, experience, and knowledge concerning "today's"/latest and best pallet designs, suppliers, and methods for using them more effectively. Earl, Pallets can be extremely u
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 17:51:41 EST 1999 | Tom Gervascio
I've been using selective soldering process for about 18 months. The major problem concerns tight spacing- the distance between the SMT pads to be masked and the thru hole leads to be wave soldered should be no less than 0.150 inches. Keep the wall
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:19:30 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
Earl, et al, Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. First the caps. We still have