Electronics Forum: mcs-30 manual (Page 1 of 1)

hi all.I need t manual mcs30.can you hep me?Thnks

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 02 12:25:47 EST 2013 | wesley

I have a Fuji MCS30. and I have a problem. when I turn it on, the display of the monitor is "ALL FAILED BOOT DEVICE". if any indication of their colleagues to help me. I need manual MCS30. thank you

SMT Fuji MCS30

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 20:45:39 EST 2022 | jdengler

I think it is a configuration set-up issue on the monitor. I cannot find my MCS30 manual so I don't know what the settings should be. If you bought it from some who does MCS's try asking them. If not try the used dealers that advertise here and se

Fuji MCS 30 Formatting Hard Drive

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 08:48:39 EDT 2005 | jdengler

The MCS30 maintenance manual has a procedure near the back on exactly what to do for this error. Jerry

Import Coordinate data into MCS30

Electronics Forum | Mon May 11 09:56:41 EDT 2009 | dmoquin

Hi, Can anyone help me with this issue? I am trying to import text/Excel coordinate data into an MCS30. The programming manual doesn't cover importing the data, just line by line data creation (manual typing). If anyone can help me with this I woul

Fuji cp43 pcb layout

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 21:06:20 EDT 2008 | ashley

Hello mickd, For Fuji practice, the primary tooling hole preferably be 5mm from the edge of the PCB (lower right hand corner). This is the reference X0, Y0 co-ordinates in the Fuji program where placing co-ordinates going LEFT will be -ve value & go


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