Electronics Forum: mems and test (Page 1 of 29)

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 06:16:13 EST 2007 | Ayelet

Hi, I am lookinh for standards that define the cleanliness level of the assembly room and also for the test and packaging room. I understand that tehre are some defintions of tempertaure and humidity that shoudl be met. Are there any specs for part

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 07:58:58 EST 2007 | ayelet

Thank you guys. So to summarize - no spec, just need to have decent cleaning... Are you familiar with dust events that caused burning of test stations ? Thanks Ayelet

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 02 11:24:13 EST 2007 | vze3nk2r

is there a level above 100,000 that does not require the use of booties for general assembly work?

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 10:15:44 EST 2007 | slthomas

J-STD-001C just requires that the area not be so dirty as to contaminate your product, tools, workspace, etc. If you start counting particles, you're into cleanroom territory. Do a search on ISO 14644-1 for specifics. Actually Wikipedia does a ni

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 12 18:30:22 EDT 2008 | genaro_silvera

Hello Steve: I work at Navico, a company that makes GPSs and Sonars among other products for recreational fishing. I want to know if our SMT, Thru-Hole and Final Assembly areas need to be in a cleanroom environment? I've worked in another companies

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 10:12:32 EST 2007 | slthomas

The use of booties isn't required per se, just considered a standard step necessary to reach the 10,000 target. You also need to vacuum (central vac system, NOT exhausting into the room) daily, mop weekly, have a one piece floor, blah, blah, blah....

Test process and test product engineer...

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 01:25:47 EST 2006 | seety1981

test engineer and product engineer... Hi all, Sorry if this topic is not suitable to be in this forum.. anyway,... i would like to know what the different of the jobs scope between the Test Process and Test Product engineer in semiconductor manufac

Automatic Optical Inspection in production -Which test and where

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 01 04:49:59 EST 2003 | testing

Hi, We currently have several AOIs on our production/test line which I feel as an engineer, are not being used to their true potential. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can improve their use i.e SPC, Placement in the production line etc since we

Automatic Optical Inspection in production -Which test and where

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 08:32:49 EST 2003 | roertner

In my experience AOI's are good for checking machine setup I.E. first piece inspection. After that the only things they will typically catch are wrong parts, reversed parts, missing parts, and tombstones. I would however suggest getting an AOI with a

Can dye and pry test reveal which solder joints fail first?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 07 09:47:50 EDT 2008 | davef

Dye & pry test reveals the solder connections that have failed prior to performimng the test.

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