Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 10:55:32 EST 1999 | KenF
Hi, could anyone tell me the maximum size of an SMD ceramic capacitor that can be assembled on a copper based substrate reliably? The SMD will be reflowed on the copper substrate. The main concern is the CTE mismatch between the ceramic capacitor and
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 09:19:56 EST 2002 | bob_smith
Can someone tell me what metal substrates are comonly used for component leads with gold plating? If the gold plating is missing, are any of the substates incompatible with 63/37 solder? Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 20:14:54 EST 2002 | davef
Please help us understand your situation better by describing the following: * Component [ie, PTH/SMT, type of component, lead finish you expected/ received, etc.] * Board type [ie, type of board FR-4/CEM/ceramic, etc.] * Solderability protection on
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 09:10:48 EST 2002 | bob_smith
Hi Dave, Sorry about that. Specifically, I am referring to radial leads on a crystal. The leads are supposed to be gold plated but only 1/2 to 2/3 of the lead is plated. We bend the lead to form a foot which is soldered to a pad on the PCB. Normally
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 29 05:28:55 EDT 2002 | ianchan
Hi, does that rosy cheeked sales vendor of yours, have a website I can review? do they have online info of that IMPCB? if not, any email contact I can inquiry with? just curious on that IMPCB... Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 29 16:56:13 EDT 2002 | gsmguru
Look at: http://www.bergquistcompany.com/therm.htm The material is made by Bergquist Inc. All sorts of good stuff on their website. Look under Thermal Clad. Dave G
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 19:20:31 EST 2022 | SMTA-64304163
Can someone who designs IMS printed circuit boards advise us on how to document the materials on the drawing. We are looking for applicable specifications to reference along with the physical specs. The current design is 066 +/-.006. .059 al, .0028
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 07:27:43 EDT 2008 | lonta96
Hi, I'm from a semiconductor package assembly, and currently looking for an offline solder paste inspector capable of true volume measurement. Any recommendation for a machine that can measure paste volume on a leadframe (metal substrate)? I found
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 16:25:03 EST 2006 | solderiron
Any metalurgists out there? I take the resistance value of a metal oxide substrate made of silver or gold or manganese. I then solder with 63/37 and the resistance changes but not dramatically. I then solder with Lead free SAC305 and the resistance c
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 24 13:23:37 EDT 2002 | gsmguru
Our design group is looking at using a IMPCB material for a power amplifier design. They would like to to use this because of it's excellent thermal properties. This would be used to create a "SIP" module that would plug into a std FR4 pcb with the c