Electronics Forum: mictor connector (Page 1 of 2)

Re: Fine pitch SMT connector reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 14:22:27 EDT 2000 | JAX

GP, What are some of the details. type?(mictor) guide pins?(yes/no) component demensions? Machine inserted? Force of insertion?

To remove a AMP Mictor Connector

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 09:17:47 EST 2001 | dxiong007

Hello All, I just got a project of removing 1800 Mictor connectors. Does anyone have experiences on removing AMP Mictor connectors? A Mictor connector has both SMT pins and PTH pins. Thanks for any suggestions. Have a nice day! Dennis

To remove an AMP Mictor Connector

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 14 10:07:49 EST 2001 | bartron

Air-Vac Engineering has nozzles for Mictor Connectors that work with their rework systems. They make removal and replacement of the connectors a snap.

AMP Mictor

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 02:51:24 EDT 2001 | haran

What is the main problem in running Mictor connector in SMT? What should be the stencil opening for the through hole lead?Is there any way we can eliminate touch up for the through hole lead as I understand from others that the main problem in runnin

AMP Mictor

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 08:19:50 EDT 1998 | Zanolli

Is anyone familiar with assembly procedures for the AMP� straddle mount Mictor connector? If so are there any suggestions to solve difficulty in slitting through the ground pin PTH barrels� and applying paste as reccommended?

AMP Mictor

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 05 18:22:14 EST 2001 | gbarrows

I assembly boards that have 200 each of the MICTOR connectors. The boards are .300" thick. I have 100% solder fill in the holes. I also have developed a rework process so I can remove and replace the connectors if the they get broken by my custome

To remove a AMP Mictor Connector

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 05 17:13:15 EST 2001 | gbarrows

I have an approved process. Call me at 214-576-8143 or email at garry.barrows@flextronics.com or gbarrows1@juno.com Garry Barrows

SMT Edge Connectors

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 15 15:57:34 EDT 2006 | Steve

What kind of connector is it? How does the manufacturer recommend processing their part? We've had quite a bit of experience using Tyco 'Mictor' connectors, with their inserter. We paste both sides of the board then drop the board on the inserter. A

Maximum Time Above Tg for PWB

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 24 22:28:57 EST 2005 | davef

In addition to the potential problems you mentioned, add: * Barrel cracking of PTH and via. * Lifted pads. * Warped boards. And the reason you're not using a solder fountain to to solder this connector is? Or use an old trick we've done here on SMT

stencil design software

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 08:20:14 EST 2003 | mbroadway

I'm new to the smt game. I'm trying to learn the basics of stencil design. I've just been tasked with removing and replacing a couple of mictor connectors. I need to find/design stencils for the solder paste. These boards are proprietary, and we don'

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