Electronics Forum: mirtec programming explained (Page 1 of 24)


Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 03:51:03 EDT 2004 | Peter

Hi Mark please explain the steps which required to set up a program for cp machines


Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 07 08:03:23 EDT 2004 | Mark

OK, First of all I think someone needs to get some training on this. Do you know how to edit the program? I don't want to explain in detail if you got some common knowledge of it. Write back and we see what we can help you with.

how to make program in mirtec aoi

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 09 15:25:17 EDT 2015 | dev88

dear sir i am new for aoi section,my work will be teaching of aoi defect and related to programming, want to know how to make program easily in mirtec 4.1.1 and what are the different standard which we must understand.

part x-out from board when exit in mirtec offline pc.

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 27 07:20:38 EST 2019 | dipak123

We have Mirtec MV-6 OMNI machine. If programer changes in part number ,then that part x-out from it's place.Value of X & Y incresed 10X compare to other parts in ATT.

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 10:33:18 EDT 2010 | methos1979

This thread will be dedicated as a place where Mirtec owners can discuss their programming tips, tricks and techniques. If you have any experience with these machines please post them here. If you have questions about specific issues with this syst

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 15:36:15 EST 2011 | bdamico

Hello eadthem, MIRTEC sells a center board support for our desktop series. Please contact our office directly for more information regarding this option. I beleive that we might be able to offer you additional assistance with your side angle progr

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 22 18:16:05 EST 2011 | eadthem

Hey "vpblf" i was wondering if you had herd much from mirtec about fixes for the repair plus issues?(good image duplicated on bad image, no arrows, missing good or bad images, missing problems, problems from a different board showing up under the wro

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 09:42:09 EST 2011 | mmjm_1099

CL, Can you help me out here. We currently have a MV2 and a MV3 and I am wondering if there is an option to move programs back and forth for these two versions. I hope Mirtec thought this through and didn't oversee this option.

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 23 11:44:16 EST 2010 | vpblf

I have experienced the same issue with the repair plus software not saving or displaying images properly when the defects are being reviewed. Have you asked Mirtec about it? What did they tell you? Curious to know.

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 09:05:42 EST 2011 | bdamico

Hello eadthem, I am pleased to hear that the new software is working well. Please keep us posted as to your progress. If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at (203) 881-5559. Brian D'Amico - President MIRTEC C

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