Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 10:10:52 EST 2005 | davef
When soldering your full tin (no lead) and Pb95/Sn5 solder components, you need to modify your PbSn reflow recipe to compensate for the higher melting point of the changed solder alloy [with your Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste] on those component leads.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 08:23:35 EST 2005 | arclightzero
Hello, I am currently trying to isolate internal fallout problems with very low yield substrates mixed with great yields and have recently found that we are using a Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste with full tin (no lead) components as well as Pb95/Sn5 sol
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 06 10:00:11 EST 1999 | Robert Oertner
If you are talking about reflowing surfacemount on the solder side of the assembly, that is accomplished by gluing the smt components to the bottom of the board. I recomend that you use a chip wave in conjuction with the normal wave to get the best r
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 09:24:54 EDT 2006 | Chunks
Yur profile looks OK for a leaded paste. It may be tyour paste as stated below. Is this a new problem? Also, have you profiled your oven lately? Could be one zone out of control.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 09:12:59 EDT 2006 | pavel_murtishev
Good afternoon, Profile is standard ramp-soak-spike (According to paste manufacturer requirements), paste is Almit V16L HM1-RMA, type 3, Sn62Ag2. Look here for details: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=98684D1201B0F001
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 09:40:11 EDT 2006 | pavel_murtishev
Good afternoon, 1. Yes, most of all I suspect the components. Could you explain what does mean "reflothermal recipe"? Ramp-to-spike? Ramp-soak-spike? Something special? Thanks. 2. Void is really huge. This voiding differs from "standard" voiding ef
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 08:46:36 EDT 2006 | davef
Two lines of thought are: * That you have some solder connections points us towards components. It seems like the solderability protection on some components need to have the reflothermal recipe tailored for that component. * Paste selection is a BI
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 08:51:50 EDT 2006 | russ
Are all these defects related to the trace that enters pad? Looking at #2, the good fillet has side trace entry and the bad has front entry. I would suggest that a profile check is in order, then the paste would be next culprit. Russ
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 16:41:01 EDT 2019 | qanalyst1
Thank you for the response, yes, the oven is vented. I guess I am concerned for parts with a thinner package body, so I wasn't wanting to leave them in for too long past the recommended bake times.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 08 08:52:42 EST 2009 | cunningham
How do people prepare there solder paste for screen print? We currently remove them from the fridge and mix them in a 500g solder paste tub mixer to mix the flux and paste together we waste to much paste at the moment as we only use the tub for 1