11 more and gold and causes and pcb and solder and joint and embrittlement results

Electronics Forum: more and gold and causes and pcb and solder and joint and embrittlement (Page 1 of 2)

soldering and bonding on gold PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 14:52:53 EST 2002 | Chris

Hi, I have read many articles about theromsonically bonding to soft gold. Many of these articles state you can bond to 10uinches of gold. I have worked with both Hughes and Panasonic bonders at two different companies and I have never been able to

LGA and Solderballs

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 28 21:16:17 EST 2006 | davef

J Rose at EMPF says: The introduction of no-clean solder fluxes in electronics manufacturing has given rise to greater levels of solder balling simply because the opportunity to remove them in the wash process does not exist. They are typically cause

Dye and Pry

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 14 11:25:02 EDT 2008 | hegemon

ol' hege has got to agree with Chunks and Dave. Seems every time there is a problem, the finger is first pointed at the process. For my $.02 it doesn't matter if your process is 100% bulletproof, procurement will screw it up by finding a vendor that

Re: BGA and Gold Boards

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 14:25:24 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | Has anyone had experience with placing BGA on gold plated boards. I thought I read a while ago there was a problem with embrittlment causing cracked joints. If anyone has experience with this your feedback would be great. | | Mike | There has b

Re: BGA and Gold Boards

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 13:40:25 EDT 1998 | Terry Burnette

| Has anyone had experience with placing BGA on gold plated boards. I thought I read a while ago there was a problem with embrittlment causing cracked joints. If anyone has experience with this your feedback would be great. | Mike There has been a

Re: BGA and Gold Boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 09:53:04 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | Has anyone had experience with placing BGA on gold plated boards. I thought I read a while ago there was a problem with embrittlment causing cracked joints. If anyone has experience with this your feedback would be great. | | Mike | Mike, | You

Re: BGA and Gold Boards

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 10:03:46 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Has anyone had experience with placing BGA on gold plated boards. I thought I read a while ago there was a problem with embrittlment causing cracked joints. If anyone has experience with this your feedback would be great. | Mike Mike, We and ind

paste Sn42/Bi58 and Lead Finish

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 22:37:35 EST 2012 | davef

Ryan ... "As for bismuth-based lead-free alloys, a lower melting temperature than that of tin-lead is offered together with a cost similar to that of tin [in the area of $3/lb]. Unfortunately, bismuth in soldering alloys tends to create embrittlemen

Re: Printing and Reflow with Ceramics

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 07:53:40 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | Couple of questions. | | 1) Are we talking alumina substrates as the ceramic material? | | 2) Are we co-firing gold as the conductors on the substrate surface? | | 3) In other words, is this a hybrid thick film circuit? | | 4) If so, how large or

Re: Solderability of BGA and PCB

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 27 19:32:02 EST 2000 | Michael Parker

Prof. Whoopee - amazing facts that you find on your 3-D BB, it has completely confounded my comrade, Chumley. Plainly spoken that around the SF Bay Area a.k.a. Silicon Valley(ever hear of the famous SF Fog?)during the winter months, near the coast a

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more and gold and causes and pcb and solder and joint and embrittlement searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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